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Monday, December 06, 2004

NM Human Needs Coordinating Council Meets This Week

This information was submitted by Eric and Sonja Elison, who discussed this organization Saturday night at a meeting of their activist group called NM Democratic Friends. You can read about this group's mission here, and download an information sheet here to fill out if you'd like to become a member. (Both of these are Word documents.) You can reach the Elisons at selison22@comcast.net.

The next monthly meeting of the NM Human Needs Coordinating Council will be on Wednesday, 12/8/04, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM at La Familia, 707 Broadway NE # 201, in Albuquerque. This meeting is open to the public.

The agenda will include consideration of bills to endorse in the 2005 Legislative Session. Bills currently on the agenda are: Living Wage, Immigration Education Act, Guardianship Improvement Bill, Prohibition of Smoking in Workplaces, and Fair Lending Practices.

Is your group or organization planning on advocating for or against proposed legislation in the 2005 New Mexico Legislative Session? Do you want to spread the word about the legislation? Do you want community members statewide to learn about the legislation early and join with you in advocacy during the session? Then bring your draft legislation (or fact sheet about the legislation) to the HNCC meeting in December.

Please contact us for more information about endorsement of bills and to be placed on the agenda. Note that if your organization would like HNCC to track endorsed bills on our website, you must be a current HNCC organizational member or pay an annual tracking fee.

Bills and memorials submitted for endorsement must: 1) be related to HNCC’s mission statement and guiding principles; 2) have “over-arching” impact on community members (not just individual agencies or programs); 3) have statewide, regional, or broad geographical impact; 4) be submitted in writing with an original and 30 copies.

E-MAIL ALERTS & INTERNET TRACKING OF HNCC-ENDORSED BILLS: HNCC endorsed (or opposed) bills are tracked on a daily basis (and e-mail alerts are sent out when appropriate) for HNCC member organizations during the Legislative Session.

NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED FOR THE REP J. PAUL TAYLOR LEGISLATIVE CHAMPION AWARD: HNCC is seeking nominations for the Rep. J. Paul Taylor award for a legislator who has demonstrated a commitment to the health and human needs of New Mexico. Please submit the legislator’s name and reasons for nomination by December 17th at 5 PM to Kristen at HNCC.

The legislative breakfast reception will be held on February 2 from 7:30 AM to 9 AM at the St. John’s Methodist Church in Santa Fe. Last year, more than 150 advocates and legislators from across the state attended. The reception is co-sponsored by many other groups and organizations. Please contact us if you would like to be a co-sponsor this year.  An Issue Update and Advocacy Training will be held at 9 AM on Feb. 2 at the same location.

PO Box 16737, Albuquerque, NM 87191
Phone: (505) 265-5005, Fax: (505) 265- 4677
Website: www.hncc.org, E-mail: hncc@hncc.org

December 6, 2004 at 12:33 PM in Events | Permalink


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