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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Kerry Spot Mocks . . . And Directs Readers to DFNM

I note that our website is getting many hits from The National Review's blog. Kerry Spot's author comments negatively on a letter to the editor of the magazine by former NM Judge Ann Kass. He then directs readers to various links that mention or are about Judge Kass, which have been sent in by his googling readers. One link connects to a DFNM post on a Moms for Kerry rally at which Judge Kass spoke.

Ah fame, if only in the raggedy-ass pages of the right-wing mockery brigade. Imagine all the conservative readers of Kerry Spot following a link to a post about a Moms for Kerry rally in Albuquerque that dates back to the days before the election. Just to see Ann Kass's name in print! There's some sweet irony in that.

And just to keep the search engines rolling, I think I'll say Ann Kass's name a few more times here, to draw the hounds: Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass, Ann Kass. Happy reading!

December 14, 2004 at 02:23 PM in Media | Permalink


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