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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Heads Up: Progressive vs. DLC Debate Tomorrow Morning

From Take Back America, OurFuture.org

We just learned that tomorrow morning -- Friday, December 10th at 8 AM MST -- C-SPAN will air a live debate between Campaign for America’s Future and the Democratic Leadership Council on the future of the Democratic party.

Tune in and watch Campaign for America’s Future’s own Robert Borosage debate the Democratic Leadership Council’s Al From on the choices the Democratic Party now faces for its future direction.  The program will be shown live from the National Press Club in Washington, DC.


Borosage argues that Bush's radical agenda is out of step with the American people and that Democrats will unite in opposition to that agenda. He believes the Democratic Party will succeed when it truly champions a progressive agenda that addresses the problems of working families. From and the Democratic Leadership Council represent the corporate wing of the Party and have urged Democrats to push away from their progressive base.

The debate will tell you a lot about why redoubling our focus on “kitchen table” issues will appeal to the Democratic base and the American public at large.  And why “kitchen table” issues will be the winning ticket for the future of the Democratic Party.

December 9, 2004 at 05:46 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


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