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Sunday, December 12, 2004

ABQ DeanCorps Caroling and More

From Nance Crow:

CarolingThe ABQ Dean Singers will go caroling on Monday night, Dec. 20th. Posole and all the fixins at my house, 324 Hermosa Dr. SE, 5:30 - 6:30 PM; caroling at a selection of shelters and half-way houses 7:00 - 8:30 PM. (I'll have the details by Mon night.) Will provide cider, cocoa, some (but not all) flashlights and sheet music for popular carols. Would like at least 10 people, the more, quite literally, the merrier! Call me at 265-8113, cell 401-2365.

For January, I'd like about 6 Dean Corps volunteers to go to Barrett House Attic on Saturday, Janurary 15, 10 AM - 2 PM to help them sort donations (primarily clothes and house wares. Lunch following at Hurricane's. At year's end they get so much stuff they can't get it all done.  Barrett House is the homeless Women and Children's shelter; the "Attic,' at 4308 Lomas NE west of Washington, supports the shelter.

love and peace, Nance

Editor's Note: DeanCorps is an action arm of Democracy for America - Democracy for New Mexico. Howard Dean's governorship was marked by support for families and children and DeanCorps celebrates this crucial emphasis by offering service to our communities. DeanCorps was very active across the country during the primaries, and is now being reactivated. This month, DeanCorps groups in 50 states donated long distance phone cards for distribution to vets in VA Hospitals. You can read about New Mexico's participation in this project here.

The Dean Singers were created to sing at various functions to spread the word about Dean's candidacy. Last year, this included caroling in Old Town during the luminaria and tree lighting ceremony, while passing out bumperstickers and more. Much fun. This year, the emphasis is on reaching out to folks in our community with holiday cheer. Anyone can be a Dean Singer. Attitude is everything! Even I can participate, by singing very, very softly and using percussion to cover up my singing voice. If I can do it, so can you! (Antlers and jingle bells optional.) --B.W.

December 12, 2004 at 11:24 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink


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