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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Action Alert: Contact Members of House Judiciary Committe on Vote Fraud

From Sonja Elison of NM Democratic Friends:

On Wednesday, The Alliance for Democracy will present evidence to a "forum" of the Judiciary Committee, held by John Conyers of Michigan. They will present evidence that the Republicans stole the Ohio election. The Judiciary Committee refuses to hold hearings. Only the Chair -- Orin Hatch -- can schedule formal hearings.

We need to find out about this -- and call members of the Judiciary Committee and make our feelings HEARD! Even if they prove that Kerry won the election there will be more work to be done to get these *bleeps* to admit it and give back the presidency.

You can go to the TheAllianceForDemocracy.org/ or GregPalast.com to get more information. We need to absolutely blitz the Congress with calls, emails, and even letters. Go to Firstgov.gov, click on Federal Legislative and then on House of Representatives, then Committees to get the list of members of the House Judiciary Committee (or click here for a direct link). It might be a good idea to write down and share the telephone numbers with your friends, so we can all call them with the least amount of work (looking up phone numbers).

Editor's Note: Another excellent site with tools that make it easy to contact members of Congress, local and state government officials, local and national media and more is Congress.org, powered by powerful CapWiz software. It also has extensive information on legislation and issues. Check it out.

December 7, 2004 at 10:53 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink


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