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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Take Action

Money George Bush and Congressional Republicans are gearing up to take yet another swing at working families. This time the plan calls for a tax hike by removing the deductibility of your state and local income and property taxes. This money isn't going to deficit reduction, and it's not even going to fund new spending initiatives. Instead, the money is going to the wealthiest one percent of Americans in the form of new tax breaks on investments like stock sales, dividends, and interest earnings.

To make things worse, Bush and his Republican allies have decided that adding to the tax burden of working families isn't enough, so they're going after their employers by removing the tax deductibility of insuring workers—a move sure to increase both the cost of health care and the number of uninsured Americans.

But we can stop them by standing up for what we believe in. The first step is to spread the word: write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and tell them that giveaways to the rich are wrong. Then call your member of Congress and tell them that as a constituent you don't support unfairly taxing working families. We must act today in order to stop this backdoor tax hike and prevent further erosion of the tax system.

(From Kicking Ass.)

November 30, 2004 at 10:21 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


They have no shame. None. Nor compassion.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Nov 30, 2004 4:43:46 PM

That goes for the Democrats, too, who are telling us to oppose this move, but 1) not giving us bill numbers or any documentation, and 2) not promising anything in the way of resolve to oppose this bill/bull. I have a suggestion for Brand Dems: Democrats: We're Amateurs, and We're Pretty Sure We're Proud of That. Aren't We?

Posted by: John McAndrew | Nov 30, 2004 5:09:41 PM

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