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Friday, November 05, 2004

Only the Faithful Allowed to View the Master


I know this is a little late, since Bushbomb has already achieved his Pyhrric victory and all, but I thought it was still worth sharing just to emphasize the environment of repression we will be confronting at the dawn of the Moralitygate administration.

You may recall Leanne Potts from her days as an entertainingly snide reporter and sometime concert critic at the Republican talking point disseminator that passes as our morning newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal.  She recently fled the Journal and now has a local blog, and is pursuing freelance writing gigs. I came across this post by her today and think it speaks volumes about the fear-driven people who now control so much about our world.

Read all about how the Secret Service and RNC teamed up to make sure no Democratic sympathizers were allowed into the seats reserved for Albuquerque's Journal Pavilion workers and their families during Bush's last-minute rally there on the eve of the election. Venue workers and families who could prove their Republicanism were treated royally with close-up seat sfor Bush's speech, while venue workers and families who were discovered to be sinful Democrats were barred from the event, including a four-and-a-half month-old baby. Also note that the "massive crowd" reported to be more than 10,000 people was really only in the 6,000 range. But then again, facts just get in the way of the Republican faith-based, blind-leading-the-blind assault on reality.

Click here for the story.

November 5, 2004 at 01:02 PM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink


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