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Friday, November 05, 2004

Nonverbal Amusement

I've been so caught up in reading and answering emails, checking out the blogs and news sites and discussing the election and where we go from here in phone calls and in person that I haven't had much time to keep this site updated. I also need to change its focus from candidates and the election to our ongoing work to defeat the forces of BushCo. This will all be accomplished in time. However, I thought I'd include a few graphics that may amuse you in the meantime. Enjoy. And welcome to all the new folks drifting over to look for opportunities to stay active. Hope you stick around and join our Meetup group.

Kerry Wins:


(Click image above for larger version.)

Says it all:


November 5, 2004 at 06:03 PM in Visuals | Permalink


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