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Friday, November 12, 2004

New Mexico: From Blue to Red

Vote counting has ended. The unofficial results from the New Mexico Secretary of State's website:

Results as of: 11/12/2004 12:08:03 AM
Counties Reporting: 21

KERRY & EDWARDS 341,841 48.9%
BUSH & CHENEY 349,255 50.0%
COBB & LaMARCHE 001,164 00.2%
PEROUTKA & BALDWIN 000,771 00.1%
BADNARIK & CAMPAGNA 002,196 00.3%
NADER & CAMEJO 003,766 00.5%

A sampling of counties won by Kerry:

Bernalillo County (Albuquerque) 51.3% to Bush's 47.5%, or 128,531 to 119,161;

Santa Fe County 71% to Bush's 28%, or 46,553 to 18,315;

Taos County 74% to Bush's 24.8%, or 10,814 to 3,616;

Sandoval County (Albq. Metro) 61.6% to Bush's 37.4%, or 1,720 to 1,045;

Socorro County 51.3% to Bush's 47.1%, or 4,025 to 3,696; and

Dona Ana County (Las Cruces) 50.8% to Bush's 48.2%, or 30,602 to 29,023.

For other counties, click on the link above.

I feel blue.

November 12, 2004 at 12:14 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


I believe we should list New Mexico as a "white" state, as in "Undecided" until all the votes are counted.

Posted by: ScottGoold | Nov 12, 2004 1:19:57 PM

I understood from Marci's email late yesterday that vote counting was finished here. Am I mistaken?

I must say, however, that I would much prefer being a white state!

Posted by: barb | Nov 12, 2004 2:04:39 PM

sure sounded like it was complete in the paper this morning too.
very very dismel, but counted.
having to throw out so many is frekkin pitiful.
things have got to change.

Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 12, 2004 5:27:43 PM

If you add up all the "third party" votes, and add them to votes for Kerry/Edwards . . . oh, you don't want to know.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Nov 12, 2004 6:22:14 PM

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