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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Lastest on Race for DNC Chair

From MyDD: Back to Dean, into the DNC by Jerome Armstrong

This is from a DC source on how the vote for the DNC Chair is breaking down right now. This will give you give you a sense of who is on the inside, and who is on right side. But before that, about 3 months ago, I was told by someone close to Dean that Nancy Pelosi was backing Howard Dean for the DNC chair. I found it rather odd, but apparently, Pelosi reached out to Dean, perhaps thinking he would be the best alternative if Kerry were defeated. That would seem clear thinking to me. Remember the standing ovation that Dean received during the Convention in Boston from the Democratic congregation? Apparently, those in DC have forgotten.

Last week John Kerry met with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Kerry convinced the two Democratic leaders to go with backing Tom Vilsack for the DNC. Now, that's some pretty strong sway up in the Hill, de facto? Not quite.

Dean's got some backing too. Both Jesse Jackson Sr. and Jr. are backing Dean, as is Gov Bill Richardson of NM, Donna Brazille as well.

I've read of much post-election despair among the comments here and elsewhere, but listen, put that aside, join this effort. We've lost and lost and lost; it's time to win. There's 440 DNC members around the nation in every state. These people align with the partisan backbone of the Party. Our wing. Let the ones nearest you hear your asking them to vote Dean for DNC. They are waiting, willing, and just need to hear our collective voice for the new Democratic Party to begin.

According to the , the DNC members from New Mexico are:

George "Jeep" Gilliland – Albuquerque
Mary Gail Gwaltney – Las Cruces
Patricia Madrid – Albuquerque
Gloria Nieto – Santa Fe
Bill Richardson – Santa Fe
Annadelle Sanchez – Espanola
John Wertheim - Albuquerque

Update: Many of the 440 current DNC members will face re-election as their respective state Democratic organizations reorganize this winter, before the DNC meeting in DC the first week of February '05, when the Chair will be selected. And many of the state committee persons who will vote for the re-election or new member will first face re-election within their local county Democratic organizations.

DFA and DFNM have begun to gather information on Democratic Party rules, structures, requirements and personnel, from the precinct level to County Chair to national reps. We can't change our Party if we don't understand how it works and who is currently running it, locally and nationally. As information is amassed, it will also provide us with a clear picture of where precinct, ward and other positions are vacant, and how more of us can get involved.

November 16, 2004 at 10:26 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink






Over the next two months, you will be bombarded with suggestions on how you should vote when it comes time to decide the direction of the Democratic Party. As you consider who should lead our Party, please keep in mind the following observations:

Evaluating 2004
The Democratic Party did not "come close" to winning in 2004. This is a zero-sum game and we need to measure our position against that of the GOP. Democrats would have needed a 10 point across the board increase in support to have done as well as Republicans. True, Kerry came close to scraping together an electoral vote win, but Democrats did poorly and Kerry lost. We lost. We are in worse position than we were before the election. As Mayor Gavin Newsom is fond of saying, "Do what you've done and you'll get what you've got."

Choosing a new DNC Chair
When choosing a new leader for our Party, please make your choice based on your own decision of who will take the steps necessary to modernize the Party. We must have a full-time leader with the vision necessary to restructure our organization. We can't let our Party serve as a golden parachute for those who lost in 2004 -- we need the DNC staffed by the best and the brightest not the oldest and best connected. Our next Chair needs 100% dedication to the effort and must put the Party before any other concern. Recently there has been talk of a candidate running to protect his home state's antiquated primary tradition -- we can't afford to elect somebody with a conflict of interest and ulterior motives. We need reform.

Only by deciding our goals and quantifying our methods can we determine what is working and what isn't. We need to hold programs and people accountable. We lost and we can't be afraid to fire losers. The campaigns of tomorrow are far different from the campaigns of a decade ago -- we need to evaluate individuals by their value in a modern campaign. The railroads didn't hire the fastest Pony Express riders; they hired people who made good railroad engineers. Campaigns have gone through a similar sea change and our Party's future depends upon intelligent reaction to the new rules of politics.

We are reforming our local central committees but we need your vote to reform the Democratic National Committee. We are waiting for systematic reform, but the Party needs the grassroots more than we need the Party. We want to win and we will support the best vehicles for victory. We would like to continue our support for the DNC, but we're also members of Democracy for America and Moveon and the New Democrat Network. If the Party won't stand up for us, we know they will. We know they were built as modern organizations and a far more efficient than the Democrat Party. DNC members need to elect a new Chair who can compete with DfA, Moveon, and NDN or the party will be relegated to only hosting the convention. We are Democrats and we don't want the most moderate or least controversial Chair, we want a leader. So lead us or we will follow the visionaries at the reform organizations.

For more information, read I am a Reform Democrat on Daily Kos, the , , Change for America or Democrat Blog Swarm.

If you have additional ideas on modernizing and reform the Democratic National Committee, please email me at bob.brigham [at] gmail.com. I am a Reform Democrat.

Posted by: Bob Brigham | Nov 21, 2004 4:37:44 PM

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