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Monday, November 08, 2004

Help Ensure Every Bernalillo County Vote Is Counted

Patricia Lee, whom many of you may know as a volunteer for the Clark and Kerry campaigns, sends in a message about her experience volunteering at the Bernalillo County vote counting warehouse, and urges us to participate:

This afternoon I spent some fun-filled time at Warehouse H, 2400 Broadway SE.  OK so fun filled-may be an exageration but try it -- you'll like it.

To be perfectly honest I had to force myself to go, there's lots I need to do around the house and there's homework still to be read.  However, I figured if I was going to bitch and moan about people who don't participate, I better go help out.  So now I can say first hand go help -- it was really gratifying to participate in the process.

Also, I think it was good for the morale of the County Clerk's staff who are working 15+ hours a day to know they are not doing all this work in a vacuum. Interestingly, one of my fellow Dem volunteers said that many of the Rep "watchers" were paid staff.

The process is really easy.  Everyone is asked to sign a confidentiality agreement so I can't be specific.  However, you'll get a form to fill out and you sit across from one of the computers that the County staff is working on and just take down the information. 

Warehouse H opens at 7 a.m. and folks will be working until 11 p.m. Any time that you can give will be greatly appreciated and I think you will come away knowing that you contributed to making every vote count.  Even if the outcome isn't altered what really matters is letting voters know that we care enough to spend the time to make their votes count. 

Earlier this week I heard a report on NPR about some Santa Fe high school students who left class to lobby the Governor about counting votes.  We need to let those kids know they have been heard.

Please pass this on.
Thanks. Best,
Patricia Lee

P.S.  It's really easy to get there.  Take I-25 south to Gibson, west on Gibson to Broadway, south on Broadway a short distance to 2400 Broadway SE.  There is construction and the turn into 2400 was just before the south bound traffic had a bit of a zig zag to the right.
Note from editor: A similar plea from the Kerry campaign:

We have now entered the qualifying process of the vote count.  The vast majority of the votes being questioned are Democrats.  The Republicans are here at the warhouse in full force and we need your help to protect our votes.

We are asking for volunteers to please take the time and work one of the following shifts.  We will be working all week to insure every vote gets counted.

8am to 11am
11am to 1pm
2pm to 5pm
5pm to 8pm

Please call me on my cell phone to let me know if you will be able to help with this critical process.

Marci Youngmark
Volunteer Coordinator

November 8, 2004 at 10:46 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


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