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Monday, November 22, 2004

Brand Democrat

Oliver Willis has created something called the Brand Democrat blog, and is producing a sort of ad campaign aimed at creating and disseminating positive images of what Democrats are all about. Here's one example:


You can check out many more examples by .

Willis is encouaging folks to use these free-for-the-taking "ads" on our websites, as posters and in any other manner that will help spread awareness of the "brand." He's even developing ways for people to create their own ads in this series. The idea is to use only positive statements about what the Democratic Party stands for, and to get them moving across the nation. The campaign is getting alot of buzz all over the blogosphere. Pass it on.

You can even get CafePress teeshirts, bumperstickers and other gear featuring several of the ads by clicking here. Proceeds will go toward forwarding the brand.

Any ideas for "ads" to add to the campaign?

November 22, 2004 at 10:19 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


Wow! Outstanding, especially the one you chose for our web site! Good donkey logo, too.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Nov 22, 2004 7:04:49 PM

I'm getting a teeshirt!

Posted by: barb | Nov 23, 2004 8:45:10 AM

This is exactly what the Democrats need to do -- establish a real identity that creates clear messages.

Posted by: Bill Haroldson | Nov 24, 2004 9:25:32 AM

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