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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Kerry Visits Las Cruces on Saturday 10/23

John Kerry will be in Las Cruces for a rally this coming Saturday, October 23rd. He'll be landing in El Paso because the Las Cruces airport runway has trouble handling heavy planes. In fact, when Bush flew into Las Cruces in August, one of his planes caused an estimated $1 million in damages. The Bush campaign demanded use of the Las Cruces runway despite warnings that their heavy planes risked damaging the tarmac. But then we all know Bush likes to make decisions based on his "gut" and messages from above rather than on facts. Perhaps the almighty had whispered in his ear that if the Bush plane didn't land in Las Cruces, the war on terrorism would be lost.

UPDATE 10/20: Tickets are required for this event. To print your complimentary ticket(s) or to volunteer for the rally, please click here.

Tickets will also available at the following locations for pick-up:
NM Victory 2004 - Las Cruces
411 Waters Street
9am to 9pm

NM Victory 2004 - Albuquerque
3301 Central NE
9am to 9pm

Event Schedule:
WHEN: Saturday, October 23-- Gates open at 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Field of Dreams, 2501 Tashiro Road, West Las Cruces, NM
DETAILS: Due to security, please do not bring any umbrellas, bags, or signs. Please limit personal items as well. This event will take place RAIN or SHINE. For more information, call (505) 525-1225.

And in the meantime, you know what to do: Volunteer!

October 19, 2004 at 10:27 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


Great insight into the runways down in LC!
Hey he is on a tight schedule....
it is HARD WORK!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 19, 2004 4:25:02 PM

That's why we need to get Bush outta there. He can't take any more HARD WORK! It's HARD WORK to stay awake during meetings, for one thing. And it interferes with his golf game...

Posted by: Robert | Oct 19, 2004 7:09:31 PM

What was the event like?

Posted by: MEmyselfandI | Oct 25, 2004 1:07:55 AM

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