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Friday, October 15, 2004


In today's "Daily Outrage" by Ari Berman of The Nation, he names the most overlooked story of the week:

The International Atomic Energy Agency said materials and equipment used for Iraqi nuclear energy - the "WMD- related program activities" central to the Bush administration's rational for war - have gone missing and may turn up in Europe or elsewhere in the region. How did this happen? The US government banned UN weapons inspectors from returning to Iraq after the war and failed to prevent massive looting at Iraq's main nuclear complex, home to tons of natural uranium. Now the US occupiers may have actually succeeded in turning a nonexistent nuclear threat into a real one.

If only the mainstream media would expose stories like this one with sufficient emphasis, I think Kerry would be ahead by huge numbers by this time. As it stands, too many Americans seem to believe the constant spiel by BushCo partners that our nation can be "safe" only if they are elected to a second term. Nothing could be further from the truth as far as I'm concerned. Imagine what the corporate media would be saying if a Democratic president had failed to guard nuclear stockpiles and huge arms caches in a war zone.

October 15, 2004 at 10:59 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


Jim Hightower has a phrase that describes this President and his administration: "All hat and no cattle". How they continue to get points for being pro-military and pro-security is beyond me.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Oct 16, 2004 7:14:42 AM

Curioser and curioser--I woke up in the middle of the night last night, sensing something unpleasant to come. ( Like critters who feel an upcoming earthquake?) The powder keg situation in Iraq caused by Bushco's beligerence is probably it---I was pleased to read about the soldiers balking at carrying out an ill considered order, however, and wondered just what our military does think of their C-in-C.
But by day, I am upbeat about all the people working together here in the US to counter lies-- thank you, Jon Stewart and Air America/Ed Schultz and Barb Wold and so many others-- and get out the vote.

Posted by: foodiesfordean | Oct 16, 2004 10:22:19 AM

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