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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Albuquerque Tribune Endorses Kerry

From the Official Kerry Blog:

The Albuquerque Tribune, which went for George Bush in 2000, has endorsed John Kerry for president. The Tribune is not a major paper (circulation 13,536), but in a tightly-contested state like New Mexico, even small papers can make a difference.
"The Tribune endorses John Kerry for president of the United States."-- Albuquerque Tribune, October 12, 2004

He has earned the job - and the chance to return security, prosperity, freedom, consensus and the American identity to a nation at odds with the world and itself.

The United States has lost its way under President Bush, who too often has failed on both foreign and domestic fronts. Worse, he has been unable to unite a deeply divided nation.

Bush, whom The Tribune endorsed in 2000, has offered simplistic slogans to complex problems, while Kerry sees complicated problems and offers the promise of appropriate solutions - complex or not.

The reality is the world is not a simple place, seldom black or white, and Kerry knows that intuitively. He understands the gray, the nuance - and that easy-bake solutions like nuclear weapons, Navy carriers and conservative or liberal platitudes usually don't apply or work.

This is critical in addressing big picture issues from Iraq to the economy. Kerry's style, attention to detail and global view will serve this nation better in the long run.

The Tribune believes Kerry offers the best leadership for the vast majority of New Mexicans and other Americans, who identify with his vision of who we are, where we need to go and how best to get there.

Why not Bush?

The occupant of the Oval Office and his running mate, Dick Cheney, have changed the paradigm that governs American ideals. Some of that, as Bush accurately notes, has been a product of Sept. 11, 2001. But the damage Bush has done to U.S. interests and respect, both internally and externally, has been devastating and long term.

From the war in Iraq and the acidic sections of the Patriot Act to global warming and national energy policy, Bush's foreign and domestic policies have been based on secrecy, fear, distortion and misinformation.

For these reasons, we urge independent and undecided voters in particular to double-check what Bush says against what he has done. Bush continues to insult American intelligence with his:

Mistaken and unreal views of the war in Iraq, with its mounting costs in American and Iraqi lives, money and good will.

Failure to focus U.S. military might on pursuing our real enemy, the terrorists.

Willingness to compromise American freedoms, in contrast to a resistance to develop and implement safeguards to protect our people, borders, ports and infrastructure from future terror attacks.

Unabashed flip-flop of the conservative fiscal ideal, turning a balanced federal budget - indeed, a huge surplus - into the largest deficit in U.S. history.

Unrelenting attack on 30 years of environmental promise to benefit political friends in the fossil fuel and utility industries.

Willingness to accept a $422 billion federal deficit, a ballooning $7.42 trillion national debt and grossly unfair tax cuts.

These all come at the expense of ordinary, hard-working, taxpaying Americans - and our children's children, who will be stuck paying the bill.

Kerry has earned command

In very sharp contrast, Kerry has demonstrated tested qualities of leadership and imagination. The hallmarks of his Senate record and presidential candidacy are less partisan and more fundamentally democratic and moderate.

And moderation, in an increasingly polarized nation, is absolutely vital.

Kerry embraces transparency, consensus and compromise. As does our Constitution, he will seek to include, not exclude.

Although labeled a flip-flopper, Kerry represents the essence of statesmanship. Unlike Bush and Cheney, he has the courage to alter political positions and courses when he finds he was mistaken.

Take the central issue of national security and its core issues of combating terrorism and the war in Iraq. Kerry has correctly assessed the mistake that is the situation in Iraq; has promised to redirect and focus U.S. military efforts back to pursuing al-Qaida and other terrorist groups; and has pledged to significantly and substantially bolster the U.S. military, including our defensive posture at home.

While he has set no timetable for leaving Iraq and says we must remain there to fix the tragic mess, he presents a more realistic plan to end the U.S. occupation, transfer power to the Iraqi people and extricate our troops as soon as practical.

He has promised to rebuild our international alliances, embrace alliances and treaties, and lead by example, not threat.

For example, Kerry, like Bush, recognizes that nuclear proliferation represents the greatest threat to the United States and world peace. But he would shift our focus to the real problems of a nuclear Iran and North Korea and enjoin U.S. proliferation.

Kerry's agenda reflects a recognition that America can do better. He promises a government that stops and reverses the export of jobs; restores fiscal discipline by cutting the deficit in half; rolls back the tax cut for the wealthy to help fund education and health care; reforms the health care and drug industries to lower costs; and doesn't put public schools in a bind in fixing what's wrong in our classrooms.

A Kerry administration also promises to restore sound science to public policy decisions in human environmental protection, medical research and protecting the environment - particularly in the still grand, but threatened, American West.

Kerry embraces ideas. He seeks to represent the most fundamental of American values, ideals and hopes. He is committed to a government contract based on the premise "of, by and for the people."

October 17, 2004 at 06:40 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Stop Scary Heather TODAY!

Passing along an email from the Richard Romero for Congress Meetup people:

Senator Romero needs your support.

TODAY (Sunday, Oct. 17) is the televised debate between Richard Romero & Heather Wilson. The Romero folks were told that each side would get 100 tickets. However, we have just learned that Wilson's people are bringing 200 people to stack the audience and possibly heckle Senator Romero. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

Sooo, please reconsider whatever plans you have made and come to the Simms Auditorium at the Albuquerque Academy (Wyoming and Academy NE) at 3:00 PM on Sunday to support our candidate. Doors open at 3:15 PM.

The Romero campaign just learned today that the Kerry Campaign has scheduled a training session for the same time so many folks are being pulled in two directions. If anyone is planning to attend that training and can reschedule for another time, it would be great.

It is absolutely critical that this live broadcast present Senator Romero as having great support. PLEASE COME AND LEND YOUR VOICE.

To get your name on the door list, contact:

407 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Suite 8
Albuquerque, NM 87104
phone (505) 244-0827
fax (505) 244-0303

October 17, 2004 at 10:54 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Freeway Bloggers Strike Again


Check out the terrific photos from Free Speech Day on Freeway Blogger.

October 16, 2004 at 01:29 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (3)

Without a Doubt

This weekend's New York Times Magazine has a long and disturbing story about Bush's god complex and how it affects his decision-making. Get it while you can. After about a week, NYT stories go to the for-a-fee section.

October 16, 2004 at 12:50 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (1)

Join Us at International Criminal Courts Event on Monday

We’d like to get a good turnout of DFA/DFNM folks at this event. We'll be tabling and passing out information on our organization, so we’d love to have an excellent turnout of our members at this free event:

Albuquerque Chapter United Nations Association, New Mexico Alliance for the International Criminal Court and City of Albuquerque present

UN Day Program 2004
Music, Refreshments and Discussion
with JOHN WASHBURN speaking on
Monday, October 18, 2004
5:30 to 6:30 PM Music and Refreshments
6:30 to 8:30 PM Talk and Discussion
UNM Student Union Building

Speaker’s Biography: John Washburn is director of UNA-USA’s office for the ICC. He has had an extensive career in diplomacy and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, including serving as director of political affairs at the U.N. and director in the executive office of the Secretary-General of the U.N. Previously, Washburn was a member of the foreign service of the U.S. and served in India, Iran, and Indonesia. As a member of the State Department’s Bureau of International Organizations Affairs, he helped to establish and directed an office to further the coordination of American bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. He chaired an Iran Hostage Task Force in 1979, and has been awarded several honors for his meritorious service.

Music: Placitas Mountain Bluegrass Band

JOIN US! Your Voice is Needed!

Co-Sponsors: McCune Charitable Foundation, AAUW, Democracy for America/Democracy for New Mexico, Desert Sky Communications, IJ.S.-China Council of Sister Cities, NAACP —Santa Fe, Veterans for Peace, Committee to Stop the War Machine, Gray Panthers, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, World Voices Independent Media Newspaper of Abq, U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association, Soka Gakkie International, N.M. Arts Alliance/Heritage Council, League of Women Voters, Arab-Jewish Peace Alliance, Albuquerque Committee on Foreign Relations, Citizen Action, ACLU, Albuquerque Friends Meeting, Albuquerque Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Center for Action and Contemplation, and others.

October 16, 2004 at 11:03 AM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

iNDemand Nixes Showing of Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11


I guess there's one set of rules for Sinclair Broadcasting and another for pay-per-view cable:

New York - A cable pay-per-view company has decided not to show a three-hour election eve special with filmmaker Michael Moore that included a showing of his documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11,'" which is sharply critical of President Bush. The company, iN DEMAND, said Friday that its decision is due to "legitimate business and legal concerns.'' A spokesman would not elaborate.
[. . .]
Moore said Friday he signed a contract with the company in early September and is considering legal action. He said he believes iN DEMAND decided not to air the film because of pressure from "top Republican people.''

"Apparently people have put pressure on them and they've broken a contract,'' Moore told The Associated Press.
[. . .]
In an interview with a Maine television station that aired this week, former President George H.W. Bush called Moore a "slimeball'' and an expletive.

Also Friday, Moore offered to let Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. air the movie for free. Such a deal would likely get a chilly reception at Sinclair, a broadcaster with a reputation for conservative politics that plans to air a critical documentary about John Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities on dozens of TV stations two weeks before the election.

Click here for the entire article. (Photos of Michael Moore's appearance at The Pit in Albuquerque courtesy of ).


October 16, 2004 at 10:42 AM in Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 15, 2004


In today's "Daily Outrage" by Ari Berman of The Nation, he names the most overlooked story of the week:

The International Atomic Energy Agency said materials and equipment used for Iraqi nuclear energy - the "WMD- related program activities" central to the Bush administration's rational for war - have gone missing and may turn up in Europe or elsewhere in the region. How did this happen? The US government banned UN weapons inspectors from returning to Iraq after the war and failed to prevent massive looting at Iraq's main nuclear complex, home to tons of natural uranium. Now the US occupiers may have actually succeeded in turning a nonexistent nuclear threat into a real one.

If only the mainstream media would expose stories like this one with sufficient emphasis, I think Kerry would be ahead by huge numbers by this time. As it stands, too many Americans seem to believe the constant spiel by BushCo partners that our nation can be "safe" only if they are elected to a second term. Nothing could be further from the truth as far as I'm concerned. Imagine what the corporate media would be saying if a Democratic president had failed to guard nuclear stockpiles and huge arms caches in a war zone.

October 15, 2004 at 10:59 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (2)

Elizabeth Edwards to Kick Off Expanded Early Voting in Santa Fe on Saturday

Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, will deliver remarks to New Mexicans in Santa Fe, Saturday, Oct. 16th, the first day of early voting at expanded satellite locations.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall, House Speaker Ben Lujan and S.F. County Democratic Party Chair Minnie Gallegos will join Ms. Edwards at the event hosted by the Santa Fe County Democratic Party. After the event, Ms. Edwards will lead a group of Kerry-Edwards supporters to cast their ballot for change.

SATURDAY, October 16, 2004, 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Santa Fe Rodeo Fairgrounds
3229 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe, N.M.

Free food * door prizes * Entertainment * special guests*
Santa Fe County Extension Building (Near the Fairgrounds early voting site)
At the Rodeo Grounds on Rodeo Road
For info please call: 505-471-1744 or 505-982-5727

Come, join the fun and vote this Saturday. To learn more about Elizabeth Edwards click here. (Photo courtesy Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.)

October 15, 2004 at 09:40 AM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Howard Dean Asks for Our Help

Lnvb_deanFrom Howard Dean: MoveOn PAC needs 1,000 volunteers in 24 hours to help win the election. New Mexico is a target and I'm counting on your help. Please join us now.

There are now fewer than 20 days until Election Day. There's no more time to waste, and I need your help right now. MoveOn PAC needs 1,000 volunteers in the next 24 hours towards our goal of organizing in 10,000 key neighborhoods and turning out 440,000 new votes for John Kerry.

You and a dozen other neighborhood leaders can together turn out over 500 new voters. That would have been enough to tip the balance in Florida in 2000. Your neighborhood in is a critical focus of this effort. Think about it--you and a few friends literally have the power to swing the election in New Mexico.

But you need to start the ball rolling. Please call the office below closest to you right now. Don't lose another minute:

Albuquerque: 505-764-0376
Santa Fe: 505-470-6100

Or, sign up on MoveOn PAC's website and a local staffer will call you within 24 hours to get you started.

This week my organization, Democracy for America, joined MoveOn PAC's Leave No Voter Behind campaign to turn out infrequent voters on Election Day and defeat George W. Bush. Here’s why: MoveOn and Democracy for America have brought millions of new people into our political process. We cut through meaningless political language and reject the money-for-influence game in Washington. We talk directly to the people and we are accountable only to you.

This project will bring a powerful wave of new voters to the polls. Millions of people who have never voted know that something has gone wrong. They see friends losing their health care, neighbors sent to war in Iraq, and family losing their jobs. They have seen for the first time how the political process impacts our lives – and they ought to be voting with us.

Together we can change the direction we're heading in and take our country back.

Take the first step. Join us in Leave No Voter Behind and make them pay attention to us. People like you knocking on doors and driving vans to polling places will win the election. Voting is not enough. We have a responsibility to make sure everyone participates. And you have the power to make it happen.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Founder and Honorary Chair
Democracy for America

October 14, 2004 at 03:36 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Crucial GOTV Training This Sunday

October 14, 2004 at 02:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)