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Monday, October 11, 2004

NM is Kerry country!

I'm sure many of you know Page from the Dean days and beyond. She created an excellent diary on Daily Kos about the Kerry rally at the airport last night in Albuquerque and included photos: Click for story.

And here's a nice photo of Kerry and Richard Romero at the event courtesy of the Kerry website (click for larger view):

(Photo credit: Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. from Sharon Farmer)

October 11, 2004 at 04:23 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


Kerry was terrific at the Santa Fe event this morning... he exuded leadership, intelligence, and great compassion, necessary qualities for a successful president. His talk was preceded by some very touching, very heartfelt words for his personal friend Christopher Reeve.
While standing in the chilly rain for about an hour and 15 minutes waiting to get in, a few W supporters across the street from our queue tried to get our attention, but very soon the arrival of another group made our wait in the rain very worthwhile: Billionaires for Bush.com!!! (click me) They were so entertaining!!! Dressed in posh clothing and carrying signs saying things like "Widen the Income Gap!-Bush/Cheney", "Cheney is Innocent!" and "Repeal the First Amendment!-Bush/Cheney", they sang and led us in some parody chants, like "Forget about the Children, Let's make another million!" and "Bombs are dropping! Let's go shopping!" (And they were doing all this in the rain too, of course.) After we got inside, we sat waiting for another hour and 15, but the waiting was well worth it... Kerry gave an inspired speech about Energy Independence. (Reminded me so much of Miles Nelson's stump speech, but delivered Kerryesque.) To me, the most impressive line was his goal for America to achieve energy independence in 10 years through massive efforts in conservation, renewables, and utilizing clean methods of burning coal, tantamount to a Manhattan project of innovation. I am so ready to see him as PRESIDENT!!!!! Let's work really hard for the next 3 weeks!

Posted by: Nancy | Oct 11, 2004 11:14:03 PM

hey nance....tahnks for the excellaent recap....I am sorry we missed it. I would have liked to hear about the energy independence project!!! that is the way!!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 15, 2004 4:28:12 PM

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