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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Join Us at International Criminal Courts Event on Monday

We’d like to get a good turnout of DFA/DFNM folks at this event. We'll be tabling and passing out information on our organization, so we’d love to have an excellent turnout of our members at this free event:

Albuquerque Chapter United Nations Association, New Mexico Alliance for the International Criminal Court and City of Albuquerque present

UN Day Program 2004
Music, Refreshments and Discussion
with JOHN WASHBURN speaking on
Monday, October 18, 2004
5:30 to 6:30 PM Music and Refreshments
6:30 to 8:30 PM Talk and Discussion
UNM Student Union Building

Speaker’s Biography: John Washburn is director of UNA-USA’s office for the ICC. He has had an extensive career in diplomacy and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, including serving as director of political affairs at the U.N. and director in the executive office of the Secretary-General of the U.N. Previously, Washburn was a member of the foreign service of the U.S. and served in India, Iran, and Indonesia. As a member of the State Department’s Bureau of International Organizations Affairs, he helped to establish and directed an office to further the coordination of American bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. He chaired an Iran Hostage Task Force in 1979, and has been awarded several honors for his meritorious service.

Music: Placitas Mountain Bluegrass Band

JOIN US! Your Voice is Needed!

Co-Sponsors: McCune Charitable Foundation, AAUW, Democracy for America/Democracy for New Mexico, Desert Sky Communications, IJ.S.-China Council of Sister Cities, NAACP —Santa Fe, Veterans for Peace, Committee to Stop the War Machine, Gray Panthers, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, World Voices Independent Media Newspaper of Abq, U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association, Soka Gakkie International, N.M. Arts Alliance/Heritage Council, League of Women Voters, Arab-Jewish Peace Alliance, Albuquerque Committee on Foreign Relations, Citizen Action, ACLU, Albuquerque Friends Meeting, Albuquerque Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Center for Action and Contemplation, and others.

October 16, 2004 at 11:03 AM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink


This was really an interesting event. To listen to the main speaker talk so passionately over human rights around the world, outrages happening all over, and this is his passion....wow!!
I am so grateful there are people like this man on the palnet!

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 19, 2004 4:21:40 PM

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