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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


From ACT New Mexico: Get Out the Vote -- Sign up to work Election Day in New Mexico

The 2004 Elections will be won on the ground, through person-to-person contacts in targeted precincts accross the battleground states. ACT has built the infrastructure for the largest get-out-the-vote effort in history – now we need you to make it work in the final days.

We are offering an opportunity to receive up to a $210 stipend for volunteering up to four days of Get Out The Vote. Sign up for as many days as you can. A New Mexico GOTV coordinator will contact you soon to discuss your plans.

We are also looking for individuals to lead groups of 3-5 GOTV canvassers. Individuals with a vehicle or that have doorknocking experience are preferred.

In addition, we still need volunteers at phone banks to call voters, reminding them to vote. Click here to sign up or get more information.

ACT Field Offices:

Albuquerque: 5600 Menaul Blvd NE
Phone: (505) 830-9250, Contact: Monica Estrada

Las Cruces: 940 North Main St., Suite A
Phone: (505) 647-0072, Contact: Gianina Irlando Garcia

Santa Fe: 1500 Fifth Street, Suite 13
Phone: (505) 982-4091, Contact: Charlie Kelly

October 20, 2004 at 09:12 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


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