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Friday, October 29, 2004

Good Reads

There seems to be a plethora of good reads out there in medialand. Here's a few of them:

Maureen Dowd skewers Dr. Cheneystein and the ghoulish nature of BushCo.

Frank Rich ponders Fear Fatigue in the faltering action movie that is the mythic script of the Bush administration.

Thomas Friedman pounds Bush for slashing a Hole in the Heart of the world.

The Washington Note features a rather shocking portrayal of the negative views of our troops toward Bush and their senior officers in A Soldier's Story: Voting for Bush Won't Help Us.

A Salon article reports that a NASA photo analyst has determined that Bush wore a device during the debates. The physicist says that imaging techniques prove the president's bulge was not caused by wrinkled clothing.

Finally, a blogger called ABQ John posted a good story on the Kerry blog about the rally in downtown Albuquerque Tuesday night.

(Thanks to John McAndrew for the heads up on the NYT columns.)

October 29, 2004 at 12:04 PM in Media | Permalink


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