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Monday, September 06, 2004

Socorro: Let the Horses Lead

sanmiguelI've been reading about activities in Socorro recently on the DFA blog and wanted to share a couple posts that provide a nice report of the action, plus some much needed humor. Great to hear that our Socorro compadres have reawakened and are going full throttle! Hope we can reconnect with DFA folks around the state as we continue down the road towards building an organization that will last for many years beyond the current election. Join me in welcoming our Socorro contingent to the DFNM blog.

Posted by NM*Mom*for*Dean at September 6, 2004:
Our county fair was held this past weekend. One of the events was the annual county fair parade which I and my 7-month old participated in. We, and about two dozen other folks, marched with the Kerry float. I decked out the baby stroller with Kerry signs and my Howard Dean pin. We got some claps and some boos, but on the whole, the crowd was very respectful.

Now, there was a Bush/Cheyney float, too, with about 10 people participating, about half of them children not old enough to vote. And, in what I consider to be a scene of poetic justice, they were marching behind the members of the 4-H club who were riding their horses. And the horses were not shy about relieving themselves. I thought, there is a God, and he's got a great sense of humor.

Yesterday, the family and I were driving around Albuquerque, and I noticed that there are a lot more Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers than Bush/Cheyney stickers. I also saw a number of Dean stickers (you are still loved here!). I have a pretty strong feeling that Kerry's going to take NM.

Also, given that Richard Romero, a Dean Dozen candidate, is running against Heather Wilson, a Bush lapdog, I wonder if we could get a visit from Howard out here in the Land of Enchantment (hint, hint).

Posted by NM*Mom*for*Dean at September 3, 2004:
Things are busy in Socorro. The Dem party opened their county headquarters here last week. I've signed on with Socorroans for Democracy (the phoenix rising from the ashes of Socorroans for Dean) and Socorro Democratic Women. Our county fair begins today thru the weekend, and tomorrow morning I'll be marching in the parade on the SFD float. We are tabling at the local farmer's market twice a week, and I registered two new voters yesterday. There are a number of events scheduled up to the election including fiestas, candidate forums and a Matanza on October 30. The Dems are very active down here. It's going to be b@lls to the walls between now and Nov. 2.

Oh, and they FINALLY got Fahrenheit 9/11 into the local theater after an email effort to Trans-Lux by members of SFD and other locals. We do have the power!
For those visiting here from outside New Mexico, here's a with links about the Socorro area, home to NM Tech, the Very Large Array, the Bosque del Apache and old San Miguel Mission (pictured at top).

September 6, 2004 at 02:39 PM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Socorro | Permalink


We're also home to a local online citizen-run progressive news paper, SocorroNews.com! Take a look, or post an article - we need more progressive voices in Socorro.

Posted by: S. L. Harrington | Mar 29, 2005 7:58:20 PM

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