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Friday, September 24, 2004

And Now for Something a Little Lighter

(Click graphic to expand to full size. Thanks to Bob Morris at Discourse.net.)

PS: This map has since been proved bogus by Snopes, among others. But I still think it's worth a chuckle at a time when there are too few chuckles to go around for Dems!

September 24, 2004 at 10:02 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Salon's war correspondent. Phillip Robertson, has spent five months covering the war in Iraq and renders a grim assessment. As you go about whatever you are doing to oust the Bush regime, it is good to remember what is at stake and who brought us to this heinous juncture. Excerpt from the article:

The war, illegal and founded on a vast lie, has produced two tragedies of equal magnitude: an embryonic civil war in the world's oldest country, and a triumph for those in the Bush administration who, without a trace of shame, act as if the truth does not matter. Lying until the lie became true, the administration pursued a course of action that guaranteed large sections of Iraq would become havens for jihadis and radical Islamists. That is the logic promoted by people who take for themselves divine infallibility -- a righteousness that blinds and destroys. Like credulous Weimar Germans who were so delighted by rigged wrestling matches, millions of Americans have accepted Bush's assertions that the war in Iraq has made the United States and the rest of the world a safer place to live. Of course, this is false.

But it is a useful fiction because it is a happy one. All we need to know, according to the administration, is that America is a good country, full of good people and therefore cannot make bloody mistakes when it comes to its own security. The bitter consequence of succumbing to such happy talk is that the government of the most powerful nation in the world now operates unchecked and unmoored from reality; leaving us teetering on the brink of another presidential term where abuse of authority has been recast as virtue.

The logic the administration uses to promote its actions -- preemptive war, indefinite detention, torture of prisoners, the abandonment of the Geneva Convention abroad and the Bill of Rights at home -- is simple, faith-based and therefore empty of reason. The worsening war is the creation of the Bush administration, which is simultaneously holding Americans and Iraqis hostage to a bloody conflict that cannot be won, only stalemated.

Over the last three years, practicing a philosophy of deliberate deception, fear-mongering and abuse of authority, the Bush administration has done more to undermine the republic of Lincoln and Jefferson than the cells of al-Qaida. It has willfully ignored our fundamental laws and squandered the nation's wealth in bloody, open-ended pursuits. Corporations like Halliburton, with close ties to government officials, are profiting greatly from the war while thousands of American soldiers undertake the dangerous work of patrolling the streets of Iraqi cities. We have arrived at a moment of national crisis.

At home, the United States, under the Bush administration, is rapidly drifting toward a security state whose principal currency is fear. Abroad, it has used fear to justify the invasion of Iraq -- fear of weapons of mass destruction, of terrorist attacks, of Iraq itself. The administration, under false premises, invaded a country that it barely understood. We entered a country in shambles, a population divided against itself. The U.S. invasion was a catalyst of violence and religious hatred, and the continuing presence of American troops has only made matters worse. Iraq today bears no resemblance to the president's vision of a fledgling democracy. On its way to national elections in January, Iraq has already slipped into chaos.

For the entire article, click here

(Graphic from Another Poster for Peace, copyright-free art for public use).

September 23, 2004 at 12:28 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Glide on the Peace Train

PeacetEver since I read the almost obscene story about Cat Steven (now Yusuf Islam) being treated like a terrorist, I've been hearing Peace Train in my head over and over again:

I've been crying lately,
Thinking about the world as it is
Why must we go on hating?
Why can't we live in bliss?
. . .
Oh I've been smiling lately,
Thinking about the world as one
And I believe it could be,
Some day it's going to come

By the way, he rerecorded Peace Train in South Africa and released it as the run-up to the Iraq war was in full propaganda blast. It was included on an all-star charity CD, the proceeds of which benefited the War Child charity, for the children of Iraq.

It's almost eerie how the hope mixed with turmoil I was feeling when I first listened to that song has returned full force with the advent of the Bush regime. It's disturbing indeed to realize we are back around the circle, promulgating hate and war and chaos in the world with a maniac at the controls. Nixon morphing into Bush. Communists morphing into terrorists. "Gooks" morphing into "ragheads" in the sick language of guerilla warfare.

You know there's something awful afoot when CIA shill and long-time thug, Iyad Allawi, is treated like a rock star and paraded before the media at the president's side while a gentle soul who has worked for peace and charity for decades is not allowed to enter the U.S. This, despite the fact he was allowed in this past May.

Well this is certainly suspect: "The day after the September 11, 2001, attacks, he (Cat) publicly condemned the actions and donated the royalties from the boxed set of his greatest hits to the September 11th Fund and his own charity."

Or how about this nugget: "Islam had flown to South Africa on the invitation of Nelson Mandela to take part in a concert to raise money for AIDS prevention in Africa. This was cancelled because of a production problem, but Islam stayed on to open a medical centre for AIDS patients which his charity has funded."

Or take a look at his violent, strident website.

Or check out the horrible work he's been doing chairing the UN-associated charity, Small Kindness.

Definitely suspect. I feel safer now that he has had his flight diverted, been questioned by intelligence officials and denied entry to the Homeland. Oh, and I think I'll go contribute some bucks to Small Kindess, buy a copy of his new DVD and head out canvassing for Kerry and Romero with renewed dedication.

September 22, 2004 at 11:45 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A What?

Comix2_2I had never heard of a footnoted, online, political comic book until I read about this one in Altercation, Eric Alterman's blog. Even if you don't feel like reading, the artwork in What Are You Voting For? is worth the price of admission (which is free). Every time you hear someone say they aren't voting because "it's all rigged anyway" or "everything has gotten so partisan I'm sick of it" or "there's no difference between the candidates" or "I don't know enough about the issues to choose," point them to this page. When you click on a page, the next page comes up. I think this might just be the most effective argument for voting this time that I've seen. Pundits be damned, bring on the comic book writers!

September 21, 2004 at 05:13 PM in Media, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)

Latest Zogby Battleground Results

The Wall Street Journal online has the results of and discussion about the 9/20 Zogby Interactive Battleground State Poll. Click here and be sure to go to the link on the right-hand side of that page called "Return to Battleground Poll" for more info. This is still an incredibly tight race, so don't believe the Republican and talking head spin on how Bush is allegedly pulling away. And with Kerry's foreign policy speech yesterday that brutally criticized Bush's record of failure and wrong-headedness in Iraq, it's clear that Kerry is moving into his famous "excellent closer" mode and taking the gloves off. At last.

In New Mexico, the poll shows Kerry with 54.3%, Bush at 41.6% and Nader (who is, at least for now, off the ballot) at 2.2%.

September 21, 2004 at 11:05 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, September 20, 2004

Kerry On

With a crowd estimated at 10-15,000, the Kerry rally at Phil Chacon Park last Thursday was a much-needed re-invigorator for many who are working hard for the cause. Of course it was also a good chance for undecideds to see the candidate in the flesh and make their own decisions. Governor Bill Richardson, Lt. Governor Diane Denish, Congressional candidate Richard Romero, Senator Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall, Dist. 26 State Rep. Al Park, Speaker of the NM House Ben Lujan and others warmed up the crowd.

Accompanied by Wesley Clark, who added some crowd-pleasing gung ho, and several other veteran brass, Kerry took the stage to wild cheering and dedicated sign waving. This was a tough bunch who had braved tight security and baking in the late-summer sun for hours, standing in a soccer field with an expansive view of our Sandia Mountains and a trademark hot air balloon.

Kerry gave Bush hell. He said the only place with more hot air than the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta was the Bush administration. He called Bush out on making the WRONG decision on everything from education, to health care, to the economy, to the war on terror, to the Iraq war. W is for WRONG! And he layed out his own vision of America, where the middle class is just as valuable as the monied elite at the top, where hard-working people of all shades and persuasions can get a fair shake and a fair chance and some health care. And where war is the last resort, not the preferred strategy.

Kerry finished with mucho hand-shaking and autograph signing while the setting New Mexico sun turned our Watermelon Mountains 10 shades of pink, red and purple. Only a few people fainted. A good time was had by everyone around us, anyway, and as people trickled out to the packed parking lots, they seemed very motivated and up for all the work to come as we count down the last weeks before regime change.

Farmerhall_1Kerry spent the night in Albuquerque, sharing a dinner with the Guv and others at the Artichoke Cafe. On Friday, he held a town hall meeting at Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center and hammered Cheney on his Halliburton connections and their billions of dollars in no-bid contracts, all courtesy of their cozy relationship with the VP.

Still on a roll, Kerry gave an important and pointed (and may I say kickass) policy speech today at New York University on the war on terrorism and what's really going on in Iraq, despite Bush's constant sugarcoating and outrageous spin. A must read or see the video. Go here. This is an excellent New York Times article with the nuggets. It's clear that Kerry intends to keep the badly faultering Iraq war at the top of the issue heap from now until November. As Bush rapidly loses his somewhat concocted post-Convention bounce, now is the time for the big push. Are you ready?

(Click photos for larger versions. Photo Credits: Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. from Sharon Farmer)

September 20, 2004 at 05:08 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Election Protection Training Starts Monday

Protect_1This November, thousands of Election Protection volunteers will be on hand at polling places in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Santa Fe and three dozen other cities nationwide where voters' rights are most at risk in the 2004 election.

Well-trained and well-equipped, Election Protection poll monitors will be the eyes and ears of the single largest voter protection effort ever. But, more importantly, they'll be a voice -- for voters and for democracy -- providing same-day solutions to voters' problems and protecting the election from before the first vote is cast until the last vote is counted.

On September 20th and 21st, volunteers in New Mexico are going to begin their Election Protection training in Albuquerque, and we invite you to come see and hear how you can help protect the 2004 election.

Poll Monitor Training (open to all)
Monday, September 20, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
202 Harvard Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
RSVP: 1-866-204-1941

Legal Advocate Training (for lawyers and law students)

Tuesday, September 21, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
202 Harvard Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
RSVP: 1-866-204-1941

These trainings are free and no volunteer commitment is required. Get your friends and family together to work toward a stronger democracy. We'll rally, train and meet up with volunteers who will protect voters' rights in precincts where problems are most likely to occur on election day.

Please join us in this historic effort. With your help and support, we will succeed in ensuring a free, fair and honest election in New Mexico.

Thank you,
Mary Jean Collins
National Field Director
People For the American Way Foundation

Click here to sign up for future trainings.

Click to make a donation to support the effort.

September 19, 2004 at 07:12 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Forum on Education Tuesday in Albuquerque

Please join the Institute for America's Future and the Center for American Progress for a forum on:

Workforce Development: Ensuring Students Have the Tools to Succeed

Robert Borosage, President of the Institute for America's Future and John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, invite you to join them at an upcoming public forum organized as part of their joint project — Renewing Our Schools, Securing Our Future: A National Task Force on Public Education.

To see the full invite, click here.

Renewing Our Schools, Securing Our Future: A National Task Force on Public Education is a joint initiative of the Institute for America's Future and the Center for American Progress. The New Mexico forum is the third in a series of public forums to be held throughout the country to learn about local, innovative and effective models for improving education. Upon completion of the last public forum, the Task Force will produce a major report with policy and program recommendations for modernizing and renewing public education in the United States.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 28, 2004, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: TVI Workforce Training Center, 5600 Eagle Rock Avenue NE, Albuquerque

TO RSVP: Please e-mail Erika Faulkner at efaulkner@griffinassoc.com, or call her at 505-764-4444 ext. 225

To learn more about Task Force click here


September 19, 2004 at 05:36 PM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, September 17, 2004

Saturday 9/18 is Election Action Day

Only 45 days until the November 2nd election. Now is the time to hook up with a progressive event near you! Click to the continuation page to get detailed information on events being held this coming Saturday in Albuquerque, Farmington, Las Cruces and Santa Fe by America Coming Together (ACT), the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and NARAL Pro-Choice America.


ACT 50 Million Women Count Kick-Off, Canvass and Phonebank
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Event Sponsors: America Coming Together (ACT)

Location: ACT Albuquerque Office - 5600 Menaul Blvd. NE
Contact: Monica Estrada (mestrada@act4victory.org)
Description: Come join the ACT team as it seeks to contact thousands of women voters in New Mexico
on Sept. 18th. There will also be a BBQ in our parking lot for Volunteer Appreciation Day!

HRC Community Canvass
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Event Sponsors: Human Rights Campaign

Location: 600 Central, SE, Corner of Central and High
Contact: David Frey (david.frey@hrc.org)

Description: Join the Human Rights Campaign as it canvasses LGBT and progressive voters in Albuquerque.

LCV Community Canvass
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: League of Conservation Voters

Location: Simms Building, 400 Gold Ave SW (entrance on 4th street)
Contact: Olivia Stockman (olivia_stockman@lcv.org)
Description: Come join the League of Conservation Voters and a special guest as they talk to your neighbors about the environmental policies of the current administration.

NARAL -- Take the Pledge Event
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: NARAL Pro-Choice America

Location: E-mail for location
Contact: Cecily Vix (cvix@naralnm.org)
Description: Join NARAL as it phones voters asking them to take a pledge to support pro-choice candidates.


ACT Roving Canvass
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: America Coming Together (ACT)

Location: Boyd Park, East Side of South Miller St. at Animas River, Miller St. Bridge
Contact: Ruben Marinelena (rmarinelena@act4victory.org)
Description: ACT is coming to Farmington to knock on doors and talk to voters in your area. The canvass will be followed by a community picnic at Boyd Park.

**********************Las Cruces********************

50 Million Women Count Kick-Off, Canvass and Phonebank
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: America Coming Together (ACT)

Location: ACT Las Cruces Office - 940 N. Main
Contact: Gia Garcia (ggarcia@act4victory.org)
Description: Come join the ACT team as it seeks to contact thousands of women voters in New Mexico on Sept. 18th.

*************Santa Fe**************

50 Million Women Count Kick-Off, Canvass and Phonebank
Date: 09/18/2004
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: America Coming Together (ACT)

Location: ACT Santa Fe Office - 1500 5th St. #13
Contact: Cory Medina (cmedina@act4victory.org)
Description: Come join the ACT team as it seeks to contact thousands of women voters in New Mexico on Sept. 18th.

September 17, 2004 at 11:41 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Dem Organizing Convention and Rally in Santa Fe This Sunday


Registration from noon to 1 p.m.
Event: 1 p.m. Sunday, September 19

Gonzales Elementary School
851 W. Alameda
Santa Fe, NM 87501

-- Talk with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, who are travelling through New Mexico by bus that day

-- Discuss campaign strategy in Northern New Mexico leading up to the election

-- Organize into wards and precincts

-- Sign up for Election Day committees and assignments and other volunteer opportunities

-- Meet and greet local candidates and elected officials as they share their message for the upcoming election

-- Enjoy refreshments and hear a special message from John Kerry via videotape.

Hosted by the Democratic Party of New Mexico -- NM Victory 2004 and the Santa Fe County Democratic Party. Call 982-5727 for more information.

September 17, 2004 at 09:39 AM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Santa Fe | Permalink | Comments (0)