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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Political Tourism

From an AlterNet article:

In the next few weeks, expect a crop of outsiders to flock to New Mexico. They're not coming to peruse the state's famed art galleries or to hike its enchanted lands; the draw for this latest influx is the upcoming presidential election. Because New Mexico is a swing state, with Gore winning New Mexico by just a couple hundred votes in the last election, supporters of both Bush and Kerry are traveling from as near as Texas and as far as Maine to help sway New Mexicans to their candidate of choice. Jennifer Nation, a University of Texas at Austin student, decided to drive 14 hours from Houston to Albuquerque in hopes of getting New Mexicans to turn out for Kerry.

"I haven't given up on Texas," says the 20-year-old, "but I do think it's absolutely going to go to Bush, so I wanted to come to a swing state." Now that she's in New Mexico, Nation has been doing data entry, compiling information about Kerry campaign volunteers and updating information on voters. She will soon go door to door to garner more voters for Kerry. "I feel like the result of this election will not only affect us for the next four years but for the next 40 years," Nation says.
I know that the Kerry campaign, ACT and the League of Conservation Voters are looking for people to house volunteers from other states for a few days or a few weeks. Call the Kerry campaign at 256-2570, Jordan Foster or Chris Cerbini of ACT NM at 872-9466, Olivia Stockman of LCV at 244-1077.

September 8, 2004 at 10:26 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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