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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Greg Palast's "Bush Family Fortunes"

FamfortYou can see investigative journalist Greg Palast's new documentary, "Bush Family Fortunes," at special screenings and house parties across the nation before its official release later this month. Many members of Democracy for America are involved in this effort as reported on this website:

Across America, at homes and cinemas, town halls, libraries, college campuses and dorms, on roof tops, in courtyards and democratic clubs, the coalition groups of Democracy For America are premiering "Bush Family Fortunes," the Greg Palast documentary that U.S. distributors won't screen. "Bush Family Fortunes," documents Greg Palast’s BBC investigations which underlie and go beyond the truths revealed in Michael Moore’s F/911.

Screenings can be turned into fundraisers. Greg Palast is making this DVD available at cost for bulk orders, for sale at these events. He will gift all royalties to the individual event that sells the DVDs, to be donated to the organization or candidate of choice.

Click here to check for screenings, to organize one of your own or to buy the DVD. Since participating in a DFA Blog Bookclub event discussing his book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," Palast has become a strong supporter of DFA and our goals. Let's support his new DVD and help get the facts out about the Bush family's nasty connections and actions.

September 29, 2004 at 10:01 AM in Film | Permalink


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