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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Glide on the Peace Train

PeacetEver since I read the almost obscene story about Cat Steven (now Yusuf Islam) being treated like a terrorist, I've been hearing Peace Train in my head over and over again:

I've been crying lately,
Thinking about the world as it is
Why must we go on hating?
Why can't we live in bliss?
. . .
Oh I've been smiling lately,
Thinking about the world as one
And I believe it could be,
Some day it's going to come

By the way, he rerecorded Peace Train in South Africa and released it as the run-up to the Iraq war was in full propaganda blast. It was included on an all-star charity CD, the proceeds of which benefited the War Child charity, for the children of Iraq.

It's almost eerie how the hope mixed with turmoil I was feeling when I first listened to that song has returned full force with the advent of the Bush regime. It's disturbing indeed to realize we are back around the circle, promulgating hate and war and chaos in the world with a maniac at the controls. Nixon morphing into Bush. Communists morphing into terrorists. "Gooks" morphing into "ragheads" in the sick language of guerilla warfare.

You know there's something awful afoot when CIA shill and long-time thug, Iyad Allawi, is treated like a rock star and paraded before the media at the president's side while a gentle soul who has worked for peace and charity for decades is not allowed to enter the U.S. This, despite the fact he was allowed in this past May.

Well this is certainly suspect: "The day after the September 11, 2001, attacks, he (Cat) publicly condemned the actions and donated the royalties from the boxed set of his greatest hits to the September 11th Fund and his own charity."

Or how about this nugget: "Islam had flown to South Africa on the invitation of Nelson Mandela to take part in a concert to raise money for AIDS prevention in Africa. This was cancelled because of a production problem, but Islam stayed on to open a medical centre for AIDS patients which his charity has funded."

Or take a look at his violent, strident website.

Or check out the horrible work he's been doing chairing the UN-associated charity, Small Kindness.

Definitely suspect. I feel safer now that he has had his flight diverted, been questioned by intelligence officials and denied entry to the Homeland. Oh, and I think I'll go contribute some bucks to Small Kindess, buy a copy of his new DVD and head out canvassing for Kerry and Romero with renewed dedication.

September 22, 2004 at 11:45 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


Another great report--never a Cat, nonetheless......

Finally, I am tuned to 1350 AM and listening to Air America, after much cajoling from fellow Deaniacs--the morning show sounded so much like those jock shows, etc, I feel sure they can reel in an unsuspecting Repub talk show fan. Very funny. How bout those Bears!

Some of the rest I've heard has been all over the place but still this is my first listen.

Posted by: foodiesfordean | Sep 22, 2004 12:22:00 PM

good info on islam (stevens). i loved him when i was a teen, still do.

it's terrible that he and other guys (like ted Kennedy, almost) can't get around much anymore.

hopefully, if bush gets re-selected, i'll be able to get out, f

Posted by: | Sep 22, 2004 4:01:51 PM

Definitely makes me want to work harder and harder is there no sense???

Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 22, 2004 4:17:51 PM

Sounds like by other articles i looked at quick. He handled it well...very peacefully...
he is on the eternal peace train i do believe.

Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 22, 2004 4:23:48 PM

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