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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

TV and Reality: No Correlation

J0336366_1Andrea Sterling, a frequent volunteer for the cause, agreed to allow me to share her illuminating description of what's on voter's minds in the real world versus what the media and even the campaigns are emphasizing. I think it speaks volumes about the disconnect between TV spin and the problems ordinary Americans are facing:

Dear Friends,

We have volunteered at the DPNM booth at the state fair four times now in the afternoon and it's really bizarre to come home afterwards and watch the news at night. The hot issue on TV is Bush's military service. Kitty Kelly is being interviewed by everyone and the spicy tidbit is the fact that Bush "disappeared" from April - October -- perhaps because he was using drugs and didn't want to take his physical? (enquiring minds want to know...)

The thing that's so strange is that no one that has stopped by the booth has talked about any of this (except maybe an offhand remark about "that draft dodger"). It's not important to them. They have been talking about the economy being bad, no jobs, sky rocketing health insurance premiums, prescription drugs, the deficit, the financial burden their kids are going to have to shoulder, 1,000 soldiers being killed in Iraq and all the other woes that we've become so familiar with in this election.

There is a couple that have a table across from the booth. They sell costume jewelry and hats. I bought a bracelet from them the first day of the fair and chat with them for a few minutes every time I'm at the DPNM booth. They told me that they are not doing well at the fair. People don't have any disposable income and aren't buying anything. The people that pass by the booth are only wearing or carrying the shiny necklaces and stuffies they win on the midway (Although today, David saw two people carrying mops that they got at one of the booths in the Lujan building.)

David stands in front of the booth and holds a sign for people to read as they are passing by. It reads "$200 Billion for Iraq, Nothing for the USA, What's Wrong with this Picture?" It gets a lot of attention -- people nodding as they go by or stopping to talk about it.

Bush's military record is a media driven event. It's of no consequence to the people we've been meeting at the fair. And so much campaign advertising time and money is being wasted on this issue that people really don't care about.


September 15, 2004 at 10:54 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink


Well at least it seems like Kerry is now drilling away on more important issues. Now if the media would only cover it!

Here's some excerpts from Kerry's speech today, courtesy of Daily Kos (with a little Kos commentary):

"At that convention in New York the other week, President Bush talked about his ownership society. Well Mr. President, when it comes to your record, we agree - you own it."

This part of the speech is nice as well:

"Of course, the President would have us believe that his record is the result of bad luck, not bad decisions. That he's faced the wrong circumstances, not made the wrong choices. In fact, this President has created more excuses than jobs. His is the Excuse Presidency: Never wrong, Never Responsible, Never to Blame. President Bush's desk isn't where the buck stops - it's where the blame begins. He's blamed just about everyone but himself and his administration for America's economic problems. And if he's missed you, don't worry - he's still got 48 days left until the election."

And it's nice to see Kerry call Bush's failed presidency what it is -- a failure.

"We know the truth. George Bush's failed record is the result of George Bush's failed policies. And he chose time and again to do nothing to improve our economy or ease the burden on middle class families. In fact, nearly every choice has made it worse. You can even say that George Bush is proud of the fact that not even failure can cause him to change his mind. This is the man who promised his tax cuts would create 6 million new jobs. Today, three tax cuts later, we've lost a million -- seven million jobs short of his prediction. To George Bush, stubborn leadership is steady leadership. But as far as I'm concerned, George Bush's failures are the result of misplaced values and wrong choices that always give more and more to those with the most and tells the middle-class "you are not the priority."

Click for Daily Kos story.

Posted by: Barb | Sep 15, 2004 11:34:08 AM

PS, You can read Kerry's entire speech on the economy which he gave today in Detroit. I hope he stays on this message and hits it hard. Click here for the speech transcript.

Posted by: Barb | Sep 15, 2004 11:43:10 AM

I think this was one of Kerry's best speeches so far. He's finally starting to nail Bush on all the horrible failures he's responsible for. About time!

Posted by: Bush Lies, People Die | Sep 15, 2004 11:32:04 PM

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