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Thursday, September 30, 2004

John Kerry Movie Opens Friday

MoveOn is encouraging an opening day turnout for this movie to rival the one we provided for Fahrenheit 9/11. The more people who flock to theaters to see it, the more buzz and coverage the media will be forced to provide and the more people will learn about the real identity of John Kerry.

According to the movie's website:

"Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry is a feature length documentary about character and moral leadership during a time of national crisis. Loosely based on the best-selling book Tour of Duty by Douglas Brinkley, Going Upriver examines the story of John Kerry and the key events that made him a national figure and the man he is today. The film places particular emphasis on his bravery during the Vietnam War and his courageous opposition to the war upon his return."

MoveOn says:

"On Friday, an exciting new movie hits theaters -- one that has the power to change the way we see John Kerry forever. Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry is a beautiful and inspiring portrait of Kerry and Vietnam, but it's bigger than that: it's a gripping, powerful film about how our country wrestles with war. It's vivid without being confrontational -- a political movie you can bring your Republican uncle to -- and it has received great reviews from some of the nation's top film critics. You've got to see it."

You can watch the trailer .

The movie opens October 1st at these New Mexico theaters:

Albuquerque Downtown 14
Albuquerque High Ridge 8
Santa Fe UA De Vargas

You can buy tickets online at Fandango. You can order the DVD here. Take your friends, neighbors, family members and yourself. Let them see a truer version of who John Kerry really is and what makes him very different from our lying, cowardly president. Don't let Rove's distorted caricature stick!

John Kerry gives a speech at a 1972 peace rally in Bryant Park, NYC. Photo credit: George Butler (Click photo for larger version.)

September 30, 2004 at 10:07 AM in Candidates & Races, Film | Permalink


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