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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A What?

Comix2_2I had never heard of a footnoted, online, political comic book until I read about this one in Altercation, Eric Alterman's blog. Even if you don't feel like reading, the artwork in What Are You Voting For? is worth the price of admission (which is free). Every time you hear someone say they aren't voting because "it's all rigged anyway" or "everything has gotten so partisan I'm sick of it" or "there's no difference between the candidates" or "I don't know enough about the issues to choose," point them to this page. When you click on a page, the next page comes up. I think this might just be the most effective argument for voting this time that I've seen. Pundits be damned, bring on the comic book writers!

September 21, 2004 at 05:13 PM in Media, Visuals | Permalink


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