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Sunday, August 01, 2004

Weekend Events

15I hear the protesters against Dick Cheney in Rio Rancho were more than a hundred strong. Was anybody reading this in attendance? If so, please give us your insights by commenting on this thread. I note that the Albuquerque Journal this morning mentioned that Cheney liked the crowd inside. I thought it was a very snotty reference to the local Republican Party requiring people to sign oaths to show they were endorsing Bush in order to get tickets. No doubt the Cheney rally crowd was 100 percent positive towards him. When you ban everyone but total supporters from attending, that's what happens!

We went to the Kerry/Edwards Consolidated Campaign office grand opening Saturday in Albuquerque and saw many DFA folks there. It was packed when we arrived about 2:30 PM and I hear it was crowded all afternoon! They had a Kerry/Edwards bus there with the destination listed on the front as the "White House." Mingling with the crowd made us think this is a distinct possibility! We saw lots of Kucinich, Dean and antiwar bumperstickers in the parking lot, but everyone I talked with seemed incredibly determined to unite and work hard to defeat BushCo. Of course many people followed that up with a statement of determination to keep pushing our progressive, fiscally responsible agenda within the Party and without beginning the day after the election!

Also wanted to mention that our Santa Fe contingent held a Kerry acceptance speech viewing party at the St. Francis Hotel that drew more than 150 people and yielded about 30 new volunteers. Kudos to our own John McAndrew for coordinating the event and helping to keep DFNM in outreach mode!


August 1, 2004 at 01:00 PM in Events | Permalink


Apparently, the Naderites have showed up in Las Cruces and are seeking signatures for the ballot petition. He needs 14000 to get on the ballot. Soon they'll have a couple of hundred workers throughout the state.

In Pennsylvania, they skipped out of their offices, leaving the homeless people they'd hired to collect signatures without the promised paycheck.

This says a lot about who Nader is really looking out for!

Posted by: Kathy | Aug 2, 2004 9:53:02 AM

how awful about nader.....
kerrys opening was really packed spilling out onto the streets...they even ran out of food it looked like...hard to believe that will be the nerve center right there....flying star will make a killing!

Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 2, 2004 2:26:07 PM

Thanks to Barb for launching this fine, info-packed site. We are reviving our Westside Meetup tomorrow at 7 pm, meeting at Satellite Coffee, northeast of PepBoys at Alameda and Coors, 1628 Alameda. Stop by, Westsiders, to kvetch, chit chat, plan for democracy, etc.

Posted by: foodiesfordean | Aug 3, 2004 9:24:01 AM

Great news about the revival of the Albuquerque West Side group! I hope you'll keep us informed about what you are up to out there. Perhaps there will be opportunities to combine our groups for appropriate activities or meetups.

It would also be useful if one or more of the West Siders would join our group that's brainstorming how to structure and set goals for a statewide group, and how that will interact with local groups.

We've had two productive meetings so far and have participants from Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Taos. Our next meeting is set for Sunday, August 22nd in Albuquerque, location TBA. We've been alternating between SF and ABQ.

Let's stay in good communication!

Posted by: barb in albq | Aug 3, 2004 9:50:17 AM

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