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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Swift Boat Vet and NM Vets to Call on Bush to Denounce Smear Campaign Today

On Wednesday, August 25, Wade Sanders, who commanded swift boat PCF-98 in Vietnam from 1968-1969, will lead a group of NM veterans in demanding that George W. Bush denounce the Republican-backed smear campaign against John Kerry, and urge his supporters to stop running the ads during his visit to New Mexico. Sanders patrolled the delta in patrols alongside John Kerry near the Cambodian border. General Mel Montaño (retired) of New Mexico, State Sen. (and veteran) Richard Romero, and Jim Buhaug, New Mexico Coordinator of Veterans for Kerry will lead the group of veterans.

WHEN: Wednesday, August 25, 2004; 11:00 AM MT.

WHERE: Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse, 401 Lomas NW, Albuquerque

WHY: Across New Mexico veterans are outraged of the lies being broadcast by George W. Bush’s supporters. Their claims have been discredited, yet their attacks continue.

Kerry supporters and others concerned about the truth are urged to attend this event. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the NM Victory 2004 Coordinated Campaign (505) 256-2570.

About Wade Sanders: Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, distinguished combat veteran, and retired Navy Captain, is much published on matters of national security in major newspapers and the Naval Institute Proceedings. He is also a news commentator for NBC News. His imaginative and innovative initiatives were key elements in the transformation of the Reserve Components of the Armed Services from Cold War mobilization assets to relevant providers of contemporary support. He presently is senior partner of a law firm dedicated to matters of corporate governance, ethics, and specializing in employee owned companies, as well as providing government relations assistance to major corporations.

August 25, 2004 at 09:02 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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