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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Reminder: DFA/LFA Training This Saturday

timeflyTime is running out to register for one of the best bargains in activist training.

Latinos for America, Democracy for America, and the New Mexico League of Conservation Voters Environmental Victory Project are sponsoring “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” (“Together We Can!”) Campaign Management Training in Albuquerque, on Saturday, August 14.

This one day seminar is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to manage a local campaign, increase your skills as a volunteer leader or activist, connect with candidates who need your help, develop action plans for the 2004 campaign and learn practical lessons on what works and doesn't work in terms of political persuasion.

You can register for this training at: Latinos for America

The training will be held from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at:

AirDance ArtSpace
3030 Isleta Blvd, S.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87105

Note from BW: This training was offered recently at DemocracyFest (DeanFest) and people who attended have been absolutely raving about the training and the workshop team, which has credentials that go back to UFW and Cesar Chavez. I've signed up and I hope you will too. It's a real bargain at $45.

This campaign training is staffed by top campaign professionals leading sessions on key topics in organizer training, media production and management, data mining, constituency outreach and fundraising. These presentations are supported by small group sessions for in-depth work in each of the featured areas.

Thanks to the thousands of donations from national DFA supporters and the hard work of the local host committees, Democracy for America is able to reduce the regular price of “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” trainings from $150 to $45.

Each trainee will leave with a training packet, as well as a certificate signed by Gov. Howard Dean, on behalf of Democracy for America.

We need to do more than just win back the White House in November. To take back our country, we need to develop a new generation of leaders and activists with the campaign skills and tools necessary to fight for democracy in every election cycle.

August 10, 2004 at 05:04 PM in Events | Permalink


Thanks for this info. It looks really interesting and I think I will sign up.

Posted by: joe | Aug 12, 2004 2:35:36 PM

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