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Monday, August 09, 2004

Photos from Kerry/Edwards NM Visit


The Kerry/Edwards bunch made quite a splash traveling through New Mexico by train over the weekend. From crowds lining the tracks at Raton, to the speeches at the Las Vegas train station, to Albuquerque's Old Town and Mass at San Felipe de Neri and lunch at La Hacienda, to shopping at Western Warehouse and attendance at the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial and Pow Wow in Gallup, the Dem ticket attracted enthusiastic crowds. It was the first time a presidential candidate visited Las Vegas since 1948 when Harry Truman spoke at the train station. The Kerry/Edwards folks used the very same train cars used by Truman during his 1948 whistlestop campaign tour.

Yahoo has photos from the NM visit at
Yahoo News Photos
and the Official Kerry Blog has more photos and commentary at:
Kerry Blog
The photo above of the crowd at the train station in Las Vegas is from the Kerry Blog.

Bush/McCain Visit Albuquerque

I also read that Bush and Senator McCain are coming to Albuquerque for an "Ask President Bush" event
this coming Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 1:50 pm MDT. Get your protest signs ready!

August 9, 2004 at 10:46 AM in Events | Permalink


great update barb! of the weekend events. That is a great pic of the train and old building.
I wonder if anyone from SF went to see him??

Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 9, 2004 2:15:28 PM

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