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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Good Omen?


Thanks to Kathy Flake for finding this gem of a photo of Kerry's Amtrack train encountering a trademark New Mexican rainbow north of Las Vegas, NM on its trip through the state during the weekend of August 7th. Another nod goes out to the photographer, Skip Weythman, who granted permission for us to use this shot.

You can click on this thumbnail to get a full-sized version of the photo or get a version that can be sent as an email postcard at:

Kerry Train Rainbow

Kathy reports she discovered this photo while browsing a local's variety-filled blog at:


Let's hope the rainbow portends a win for the Dems in November. We are, after all, The Land of Enchantment!

August 15, 2004 at 11:47 AM in Visuals | Permalink


Nice photo, and nice site. Just here checking it out.

Posted by: Jessica | Aug 15, 2004 6:19:27 PM

Welcome, Jessica!

I sent that photo to my wonderful aunt in Louisiana, who's never been to NM (but she'll be here next week!) She said, "Now I see why you don't miss the trees! The sky is beautiful!"

Yeah, we have it good here in the Land of Enchantment! Think I'll enjoy the sky today.

Posted by: Kathy | Aug 16, 2004 8:29:23 AM

New Mexico political news: The name of Carter Bundy's replacement for state senate candidate is Michael Corwin. He's a private investigator and intends to run a strong campaign against Greg Payne in the far NE Heights. Maybe he needs a Donkeys in the Desert party!

Jason Marks, Dem candidate for PRC (a very powerful public regulatory position) is having an open house Sat, Aug 21 from 4-7. His office is located at 158 Washington SE.

Posted by: Kathy | Aug 16, 2004 9:02:19 AM

Hey Jessica, nice to see you here!

Hmm, a Donkeys in the Desert party for Corwin might be just the thing, although there are so many different political activities springing up these days, it's hard to choose where to put our energies. Ain't it the truth?

Take Jason Marks' open house. On the same day and time as our Ward meeting. Then there's Kerry phone banking tonight (hey Kathy are you participating?). And a MoveOn NM meeting this Wednesday. And is our state meeting on for this Sunday?

Tick, tick, tick. What is it, 86 days till the election or so? The pace can only pick up!

Posted by: barb in albq | Aug 16, 2004 9:41:03 AM

I'm going to try to come tonight...one of our cars is in hospital (see? I already sound British!) and I'll have to see what the other drivers in my family are planning.

Has a reminder gone out to our DFA list?

Posted by: Kathy | Aug 16, 2004 10:19:12 AM

Kathy, hope to see you tonight if the car thing works out. And thanks for the reminder. I followed your advice and sent one out this morning. You Brit, you!

Posted by: barb in albq | Aug 16, 2004 11:51:23 AM

Build your own Bush! I like blond hair, drunk eyes, and needs a shave.

https://funny.ansme.com/politics/bush/build.html or click me.

Posted by: Kathy | Aug 16, 2004 12:48:30 PM

Can't make it tonight at Kerry headquarters:going to the opera. Will be here next week. Barb-when will you share what you learned at the workshop on Saturday? Maybe at meet-up? Or at the DFNM on August 20?

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Aug 16, 2004 1:39:24 PM

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