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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Join Us at DFNM Night at Kerry HQ

nowMembers of our Albuquerque DFNM/DFA Meetup group at Page One have signed up to do phone banking every Monday from 6--8 PM at Kerry HQ. The first DFNM night will be Monday, August 16. Please be sure to wear a Democracy for America shirt or a Dean shirt or some other DFA gear, as well as a Kerry button or sticker, so that it's obvious that we are Kerry supporters who would like to help promote the progressive issues of Howard Dean, DFA and DFNM. In this way we can receive recognition for our efforts as a team---Dean Democrats on loan to Kerry.

We'd like to have additional volunteers join our effort so people can trade off Mondays and no-one will have to work every week. You're encouraged to email me and join the team. We think it's an excellent way to gain exposure for our group and help in the effort to get rid of Bush. Hope you'll agree. And thanks to all who have already joined the Monday night team!

Kerry HQ in Albuquerque is located at 3301 Central NE, across from Kelly's. You can also volunteer for other work or to be a Kerry precinct captain by calling 256-2570.

Nancy Galloway

August 11, 2004 at 11:20 AM in DFNM - Albq | Permalink


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