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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Bush's Superficial Wounds in the Vietnam Era

bushguardIf you don't check out Juan Cole's website, "Informed Comment," regularly, you're missing an excellent source of news and opinion. He's a history professor at the University of Michigan and an expert on the Middle East with lots of contacts there. His very popular website reveals alot of day-to-day details about what's really happening in Iraq. In this piece, he comments on the Swiftboat Vets situation and compares Kerry's experiences during the Viet Nam war with those of young Georgie:

The debate that a handful of Texas multi-millionnaires close to the Bush family have cleverly manufactured over John Kerry's war record is absurd in every way. The charges that they have put some vets up to making against Kerry are false and can be demonstrated by the historical record to be false. Most of those making the charges have even flip-flopped, contradicting themselves. Or they weren't eyewitnesses and are just lying.
But to address the substance of this Big Lie is to risk falling into its logic. The true absurdity of the entire situation is easily appreciated when we consider that George W. Bush never showed any bravery at all at any point in his life. He has never lived in a war zone. If some of John Kerry's wounds were superficial, Bush received no wounds. (And, a piece of shrapnel in the forearm that caused only a minor wound would have killed had it hit an eye and gone into the brain; the shrapnel being in your body demonstrates you were in mortal danger and didn't absent yourself from it. That is the logic of the medal). Kerry saved a man's life while under fire. Bush did no such thing.
What was Bush doing with his youth? He was drinking. He was drinking like a fish, every night, into the wee hours. For decades. He gave no service to anyone, risked nothing, and did not even slack off efficiently.

Click here to read the rest of this story, including an NPR interview with people who worked at the campaign in Alabama where Georgie worked while allegedly on National Guard duty down there: Juan Cole: Informed Comment

August 24, 2004 at 01:36 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


There're a lot of misconceptions about military medals. A Purple Heart is awarded for being injured, period. Anything that causes a trip to the medic, no matter how small, will cause the medal to be awarded, pretty much automatically. My nephew came back from Iraq with one, but all the injury he sustained was a small piece of shrapnel in the arm. He's not eligible for disability (as Dole accused Kerry of not receiving, thus belittling his injury). Far more worrisome was the shrapnel imbedded in his Kevlar helmut. Although it never touched his skin, it could have killed him, but was not worthy of the Purple Heart, just the Saved by Helmut award .

Another misconception--when someone is recommended for a medal, the language is over-the-top in terms of praise. At least that's the way it was when there was no war that acquired real heroism. My husband got a medal every time we moved, but all he did was lift heavy papers.

Posted by: | Aug 24, 2004 3:04:47 PM

All good points. Too bad the media mavens don't take the time to explain these things!

It's rarely pointed out that Kerry got a Silver Star in addition to the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. The Silver Star is lower than the Distinguished Service Cross and above the Bronze Star.

I wonder when they will start giving medals to women who have been courageous in the throes of difficult childbirths!

Posted by: barb in albq | Aug 24, 2004 3:27:11 PM

This whole issue is such an outrage. The thought that the cowards and pro war chickens are now belittling the very thing they have others fighting for right now, is so freakin hypocritical. I keep on waiting for this issue to turn on them, they want to have it both ways. Like war makes heros. But not if you are a Democrat. You will never be a hero if you are a Dem. If you do not believe as we do, your wounds are self inflicted. Meanwhile the cowards are hiding and totally afraid to go into battle. I ask who would you want in your boat if you were stranded out to sea? I wouldnt fall asleep with the likes of Bush or Cheney in my boat. They would kill ya and eat ya.....can't you see them all dehydrated....with the crazy death look in their eyes!

Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 24, 2004 5:21:54 PM

Mary ellen, you're scaring me. Now I'm gonna have nightmares! ;->

Posted by: John McAndrew | Aug 24, 2004 9:49:13 PM


Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 25, 2004 10:05:11 AM

I AM very afraid! That's their normal look, M.E.! That's why I can't watch tv during RNC week - way too many nightmares, John!
Thanks for the Purple Heart clarification, Kathy. I did see that one other place, but it certainly isn't being discussed/explained widely. I ask you, where are all those CNN military commentators when you need 'em?

Posted by: Nancy | Aug 25, 2004 1:43:10 PM

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