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Thursday, August 26, 2004

SOUND OFF: Bush Ignores Cleland But Cacti Rule


I was angry this morning because the Albuquerque Journal decided that the misuse of saguaro cactus images was more important than the fact that the distinguised vet and ex-Senator, Max Cleland, was refused entrance to Bush's pseudo-ranch yesterday. Bush was there when Cleland came calling, but Max wasn't offered even the courtesy of a cold glass of ice tea. Turned away at the gates.

The saguaro story captured the top headline on the Journal front page, color picture and all. Cleland's trip to Crawford was relegated to the inner pages and a black and white photo. I guess they thought no-one would be interested in a story about Cleland personally carrying a letter to George to demand that he order his minions to stop running the dishonest and dishonorable swift-lie ads. This, despite the fact that the letter was cosigned by 8 US Senators, including Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Sen. Daniel Inouye, as well as fellow veterans Sens. Tom Harkin (IA), Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (SC), Jack Reed (RI), Tom Carper (DE), Jon Corzine (NJ) and Frank Lautenberg (NJ). Here's the text of the letter.

So I thought I'd provide a nice color photo here of the obviously dangerous Cleland being confronted by one of those Kevlar-wearing "security" personnel so much in evidence these days. Kevlar stock must be soaring. You can see more of these incredible photos at another of my favorites blogs, Daily Kos.


Meanwhile, the media keep showing that swiftboat ad for free. Here's a nice site where you can check out what these "truth-tellers" are saying vs. what really happened: SWIFTly VET the Slander

To read Kerry's complete testimony before the Senate committee in 1971, go here: Kerry Testimony

For a taste of the stories told by the "Winter Soldiers" at a meeting in Detroit that Kerry was relaying at the hearing, go here for a Salon article, or access the transcripts of the soldiers themselves.

I was also very disappointed in the Journal's coverage of the Veterans for Kerry gathering at the courthouse downtown yesterday. They didn't mention the credentials of the main rally speaker -- Wade Sanders, who commanded swift boat PCF-98 in Vietnam from 1968-1969 and patrolled the delta alongside John Kerry near the Cambodian border. Anything to minimize the credibility of Kerry's backers. I guess the Journal agrees with Bush that the truth is something to hide.

Barbara Wold

August 26, 2004 at 01:10 PM in Sound Off! | Permalink


GOOD sound off....the Journal has been horrible about this issue. And we have met the gentleman Andy writing these articles. Disappointing. The thought that the media and Repubs are ragging on the courageous while Bush was AWOL is to me something i would never ever believe could happen. I mean Dean, without serving and all that, I figured that was an wide open softspot, but the positive with Kerry being the nominee was his service. I thought how could we lose on that one. Against the AWOL president/National Guard missing. Well, I am seeing it before my very eyes.

I am outraged as well. The thought that we have other young people over in Iraq fighting taking shrapnel and horrible wounds and that maybe one day in the future they will have their medals contested. I would think is bad for morale. It is all such twistedly evil logic it is hard to even write it. But i feel like anyone reading this will understand. The BS that the Bush Cheny...blahblah are not involved....with their lawyer resigning....give me a break!

Last point....Kerry speaking up for the vets when he returned....and how wrong the swift vets say he was to say they were doing things against the Geneva Convention....guess what, it is going on right now. How about Abu Graib and the torture and killing there. And a memo right from the prez saying, Al Qaeda can be treated the name of terrorism. I mean it is going on right NOW in this horrible war. Some whole inspection paper just came out holding Rumsfeld accountable. So, if any brave soldier comes out of this war with a soul intact and says I think I/we did wrong things to other innocent human beings, they have this to look forward to.

Anyways, I have to stop now, and go take my medicine to calm down some.

Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 26, 2004 3:36:06 PM

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