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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Kerry, Kerry, Kerry

kerryalbqKerry's big day at the convention is here at last. This could be the most important speech of his career and I sure hope he feels as energized as the Rev. Sharpton was last night. He got the delegates rockin' and rollin'! Of course it was the Edwards family's big night and they seemed to succeed with their own brand of charisma and optimism. I loved those vertical Edwards signs. (Photo of Albuquerque rally by Sharon Farmer, John Kerry for President, Inc.)

The Kerry/Edwards New Mexico Victory 2004 Coordinated Campaign Office (what a mouthful) in Albuquerque is having its grand opening this coming Saturday. Here's what the campaign sent out:

New Mexico Victory 2004 Coordinated Campaign
3301 Central NE
Saturday, July 31st, 2004
From 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The grand opening of the Coordinated Campaign Hq is open to all New Mexicans who are supporting or are thinking about supporting the 2004 national Democratic presidential ticket of Senators Kerry and Edwards. Come by the office for refreshments, to pick up campaign buttons, placards, and lapel stickers etc., and most importantly spend an afternoon talking about our candidates just after the exciting Democratic National Convention in Boston. And, you'll have an opportunity to meet and interact with all of the new
campaign staff that are here in Albuquerque to serve you over the next three months.

There will be ample parking on the east side of the building in the large dirt parking lot. There will be volunteers there to guide you in. For more information, please call (505) 256-2570.

Tonight, there are hundreds of parties across the nation to view the Kerry acceptance speech, including many here in New Mexico. Our own John McAndrew, who runs the Rapid Response Network NM, is hosting a big one up in Santa Fe along with folks from DFNM - Santa Fe and others:

For Democracy, For New Mexico, For Kerry
WHEN: July 29 @ 5:00 PM
WHERE: Hotel St Francis, at Don Gaspar and Water Streets, downtown
210 Don Gaspar Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87501
HOST: John McAndrew

INFO: We welcome anyone eager to help Kerry win in November. We also want to give him a Congress that will work with him. We are from a variety of campaigns and organizations, and we are united in our efforts to keep fundamentalism and corporations from undermining our democracy and our values. Let's combine our efforts to best affect the change we want this November. If you are able, please come prepared to donate to the campaign financially as well. We will be watching Kerry's acceptance speech on an uplink from Kerry's web site, if all goes well.

To sign up for this party or another near you, go to this page and enter your zip code:


Also, The League of Convervation Voters is inviting folks to their Convention watching party:
Day: Thurs July 29
Time: 7 pm (Kerry scheduled to speak at 8:30)
Location: 108 Arno SE, just S of Central accross from the old Albuquerque High (now lofts).

Also, if you'd like to go protest Dick Cheney while he's in Rio Rancho, meet at Stapleton Elementry School.:
Day: Sat July 31, Time: 2 pm
Location: 4477 9th Ave. NE, Rio Rancho (and then we'll walk up the street to the place he'll be).

Contact: Olivia Stockman, NM State Volunteer Coordinator
LCV Environmental Victory Project
400 Gold St. SW, Suite 980
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 244-1077 (o), (505) 450-3403 (c)

July 29, 2004 at 09:57 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Great up date barb....I love seeing the current info....what an exciting week!!
it is almost tempting to not go on the maiden voyage of the rig (GYpsy rose)...to saty home and go to the kerry opening party....
and to pull our selves away from all of the rest of this take our country back schtuff!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 29, 2004 10:13:21 AM

oh yea....i hope the kerry santa fe listening to speech party is a good one tonite. For sure let us knwo how it goes!!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 29, 2004 10:14:37 AM

It IS hard to relax in the mountains when taking our country back is at stake! Decisions, decisions.

Posted by: barb in albq | Jul 29, 2004 11:12:08 AM

Somehow I don't feel a bit sympathetic for those who are "relaxing in the mountains", drinking fruity alcoholic concoctions, no doubt. Meanwhile. some of us Santa Fesinos will be slaving over a hot revolutionary moment at the Hotel St Francis tonight. We have 95 RSVPs now, with another 25 or so who say they may attend. I figure those numbers may double before the night is over. Amazing, to have 150+ people show up for a political event that doesn't feature a well-known politician or celebrity, or even an open bar! We will be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Jul 29, 2004 12:24:09 PM


Posted by: NANCY | Jul 29, 2004 12:58:21 PM

Actually we're hooked on Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke with Lime. But I get your drift, sir! Sounds like a terrific event is shaping up. People are HUNGRY for it. Just to talk with others of like mind.

I feel kinda guilty we aren't doing one here. But with all the 527 and Kerry action here, it's hard to get people to things like that here. There have been MANY Kerry parties for instance.

I do think some kind of event like yours would be an excellent reachout after the election, or maybe near election day.

You folks rock up there in Santa Fe!

Posted by: | Jul 29, 2004 12:58:57 PM

Oops I left my name off the post above. And hey, welcome Nancy!

Posted by: barb in albq | Jul 29, 2004 1:01:26 PM

*** GO, JOHNNY, GO! ***

* KERRY hit a home run! *

Posted by: NANCY | Jul 29, 2004 9:36:53 PM

Great speech, JK!

Interesting, though, to hear the spin afterward. On MSNBC Scarborough was trying to insist JK had mangled his delivery. Then someone pointed out he had to rush to make it through the network-imposed primetime schedule. So then the spin said the networks would have stayed with it--"everyone know that!" So why did Kerry rush his speech? Must be because he's a bad speaker, was the inevitable conclusion.

When you can't fault the content, criticize the delivery. Yeah, Joe, THAT works.

Posted by: Kathy | Jul 30, 2004 9:08:15 AM

i am so glad he talked about energy. Watching the otehr idiot spinner - frank lutz with his ordinary ohio i guess swing voters....the little gadget they were using to gauge points of the speech that were meaningful to them...the gadget showed when he spoke about energy dependence and the saudi's...the line went off the graph! It gives me hope that so many people in this group he was monitoring, see that energy is a huge issue!

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 30, 2004 9:51:33 AM

please let us Albuquerquians know how the santa fe speech watch party was?
and is anyone going to kerrys headquarters opening party?? and that article about the cheneys visit and the "democrat operatives at work"..was sickining this morning...like we are the terrorists

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 30, 2004 9:55:25 AM

Kerry's speech was way too militaristic for me. But then again his speech wasn't really aimed at me. As several TV pundits said, the speech was for the uninformed, nonpolitical, unsure voters out there who are bummed about Bush but not yet trusting in Kerry. I think it was a success in those terms. And he seemed very energized. Too bad he had to cram the speech into a time period limited by the almighty networks.

Posted by: barb in albq | Jul 30, 2004 11:35:00 AM

It was a very good party last evening. We don't have attendance numbers yet, but I'd guess that there were about 150 folks there. Some may have been dissuaded by the lack of seating. Note to self in future: if you wnat lots of interaction, do not place either a 5-foot hypnotist nor a 5-foot TV in the front of the room. Both will tend to drain the interaction from the group. Still, there was a lot of excitement over the speech, and 30 people signed up to be hard core volunteers, so we're excited by those prospects.

I have heard some dissatisfaction, mostly around the speech being aimed at swing voters and the middle class. Why Kerry feels the need to prove he isn't a weenie, I don't know. For God's sake, he has three purple hearts while his opponent's only evidence that he showed up for duty is his dental record. Much of this will be about marketing from here on out. The point is to get a better, if not an ideal, man in the White House, and give him a Congress with whom he can work. We have work to do, and should only be dissuaded from it if we hear something that makes us think Kerry is the Manchurian candidate.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Jul 30, 2004 5:30:56 PM

Believe me, I'm gonna be watching to see if I notice a chip implant scar on Johnny K!

Congratulations on your party! Always good when you can get 30 new volunteers. I know you feel it could have been better, but it sounds to me like a smash. Perhaps there should be another similar event as we get closer to election time. WITHOUT the tv this time. Something focused on interaction and networking. I'm gonna chew on that in terms of an Albuquerque event.

Thanks for all you do, John and the SF contingent!

Posted by: barb in albq | Jul 31, 2004 12:37:54 PM

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