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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

DNC Convention Links

DonkeykickYou can view coverage of the entire day or selected speeches at CSPAN:


Here are links for text versions of some of yesterday's speeches:

Al Gore

Jimmy Carter

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

Click here to get today's convention schedule:


So what do you think of the Convention so far? Don't forget, Howard Dean speaks tonight in prime time. And it's just been reported that Kerry/Edwards will be returning to New Mexico after the convention:


(Associated Press) ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - The Democratic National Convention hasn't even started, but the party's presumptive presidential nominee and his running mate are planning a visit to New Mexico as part of a coast-to-coast post-convention tour.

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and running mate John Edwards of North Carolina plan a two-week tour through 21 states, including New Mexico. They will be traveling via bus, train and boat.

The campaign announced Friday that the tour would begin July 30, and in the first days stop in Florida, Michigan, New York, and Ohio. Later the tour will pass through New Mexico, Arizona, California, and other states. The campaign hasn't released the cities that Kerry and Edwards will visit in those states.

July 27, 2004 at 12:19 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Last night's speeches at the DNC were excellent, though I was a little disappointed by Gov. Dean's speech. And afterward, a weird thing happened. I went upstairs, picked up a Dean shirt I'd worn earlier to put in in the wash, and got a feeling of finality, like, it's really over now.

Does anyone else feel like this?

Posted by: Kathy | Jul 28, 2004 11:45:11 AM

Funny, I would expect to feel that way. However I find myself getting excited about a possible Kerry win and a growing cadre of progressive forces at work that are dedicated to shaking up the Party. Including DFNM.

Strange as it seems, I can feel myself getting inspired again and hopeful. I'm hearing about "seeds" of Dean's campaign sprouting all over the nation. It makes me thankful that Dean managed to invigorate us and stand up to the DLC naysayers. Without his battery jump I think this would be a dismal election season indeed.

Sometimes I think he can have more long-lasting influence and power pushing the Party from here and nurturing the Democratic Wing than he would have had as the the nominee. I just hope we all have as much endurance to stay the course to change as it seems he has. This taking back our Party and our country is a thing for the long haul alright!

Posted by: barb in albq | Jul 28, 2004 1:46:51 PM

It was great to hear the dean speech and hear the old "you have the power"! and how when i first heard that over and over i realized we do have the power that is what the whole system is setup by.
I feel a little inebt posting but I am going to anyways....just get me sea legs some doing this stuff.

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 28, 2004 3:57:33 PM

It aint over kathy it is just beginning!!!
Think of it that way...if you want to!?

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 28, 2004 3:59:10 PM

I agree with Barb and Mary Ellen's sentiments. I think Dean's setback may result in a larger, longer-lasting victory than his victory would have given us. There may ahve been a temptation to think that, once he was the nominee and then the President, our job was done. He told us that we need to reclaim our power in the political process. Without him as Presiddent, we have to make a long-term commitment to that process, and build a good farm team of candidates and activists who can, in time, rise to positions of greater influence.
Howard's work - and ours - is just beginning.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Jul 29, 2004 12:17:53 AM

John's notification about the empty position for albuquerque...is so interesting and in the dean dream.....i wish i could give up my job and run!
take it back! one place at a time!

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 29, 2004 9:55:52 AM

Give it some thought, Mary Ellen, give it some thought over the weekend. We'd give you all the support we could, and line up other supporters from the organizations we're working with. You can do whatever seems right to you to do, and your friends will stand with you.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Jul 29, 2004 3:32:17 PM

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