McCain Lie Counter

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

PAC505 Hosts "Test Press Tuesday" Debate Watch & Screen Printing Party

Click on image for larger version

PAC505 and The Trillion Space are fired up to present the second installment of their debate-viewing series, this Tuesday, October 7. Join us at The Trillion Space (510 2nd Street, near Marquette) for "Test Press Tuesday," where the debate will be projected, heard, and properly contextualized by an army of DJ's and artists, including Adam5100 from the East Bay. During the event, which begins at 4 o'clock, local artists will create original Obama designs and screenprint them onto shirts that you can take home for five bucks. Events like TPT will be remembered for transforming the Obama campaign into what it has become: a movement. Be there!

October 7, 2008 at 08:44 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Las Cruces & Anthony Obama Offices Open All Night to Register Voters Before Deadline Tomorrow

Register2voteTo vote in the presidential election you need to be registered to vote by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 --that's TOMORROW. One way to do it is to register at any Obama campaign office until the deadline and they will turn in your registration to your County Clerk by 5:00 PM Thursday, which is the deadline for third party registrars.

THEY'RE LEAVING THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU: The lights will be on late tonight at the Barack Obama Campaign headquarters in Las Cruces -- all night, in fact. The staff will stay on duty in order to register eligible voters who are not yet on the voter rolls. October 7 at 5:00 PM is the deadline to register to vote in the November 4 U.S. Presidential election and the push is on to make sure that as many people as possible register to vote.

The Las Cruces headquarters is located at 255 E. Lohman and they hope to attract people getting off work, going to work late, and those who just have never gotten around to registering. Or those middle class workers who don’t necessarily work during the ‘normal’ work day. The office will also be open until midnight on Tuesday.

The Obama office in Anthony, too, will leave its doors open all night Monday. Obama offices across the state will be staying open later than usual. So far registration efforts by Democrats in New Mexico have signed up thousands of previously un-registered voters.

Obama campaign office staffs include plenty of folks who have received training by the county clerk to become deputized -- to ensure that forms are filled out correctly. The campaign staff takes responsibility for turning in the completed forms to the County Clerk. People wanting to register must be U.S. citizens at least 18 years old. They need to bring their Social Security number and personal identification. The registration form is short and takes very little time to fill out.

Anyone with questions can call the local Obama campaign office or your County Clerk. Also see my previous post on voting that explains other ways to register, including downloading and completing a voter registration form that you can hand-deliver to the County Clerk by the deadline, or mail to your County Clerk postmarked before the 5:00 PM, October 7 deadline.

Technorati Tags:

October 6, 2008 at 04:06 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Monday: Gov. Richardson Stumps for Obama in Northern NM on Register for Change Tour

Bruce Springstein, Register for Change event Sat., Philadelphia

This Monday, October 6, Gov. Bill Richardson will headline a series of “Register for Change” events in Northern New Mexico. He'll travel to Taos, Mora, Las Vegas and Santa Fe to talk to New Mexicans about the importance of this election as the October 7th voter registration deadline approaches. See details below the fold.

On Sunday, Gov. Richardson and Lt. Gov. Diane Denish attended the 97th Annual Northern Navajo Nation Shiprock Fair and urged members of the community to support Barack Obama and register to vote before the October 7th deadline. The Governor rode on the Democratic Party of New Mexico float and the Lt. Gov. rode on the San Juan County Democratic Party float.

Register for Change Forum in Taos at 8:30 am
Taoseno Restaurant
819 Paseo del Pueblo Sur
Taos, New Mexico 87571

Register for Change Forum in Mora at 12:00 pm
Cowboy Kitchen
Main Street, Hwy 518, Mile marker 29 (across from court house)
Mora, NM

Register for Change Rally in Las Vegas at 2:00 pm
Campaign for Change Field Office
213 Plaza ST.
Las Vegas, NM 87701

Register for Change Rally in Santa Fe at 4:00 pm
130 Grant Ave.
Santa Fe, NM 87501

The Voter Registration Deadline in New Mexico is October 7th. Voters can request to Vote By Mail up until October 30th, and Early Voting takes place between October 18th and November 1st. New Mexicans can register to vote or fill out a Vote By Mail application request by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or downloading a registration form at

October 5, 2008 at 05:42 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Events, Native Americans, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

Albuquerque Journal Poll Has Obama 45%, McCain 40% in New Mexico

According to a poll conducted for the Albuquerque Journal by Research and Polling Inc., Barack Obama is up 5 points over John McCain in New Mexico, with 14% still undecided. Bottom line: This is still a close and fluid race -- and we need to get out there and knock on doors, make calls and talk to our friends, family and neighbors.

The poll is based on telephone interviews conducted September 29 thru October 2, 2008 with 659 registered voters statewide who said they are likely to vote on November 4. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 points.

You can compare the Journal's poll with other survey results in New Mexico at Recently, Rasmussen reported a 10/1 poll with Obama leading 49-44%, with 4% for Other and 3% undecided. SurveyUSA reported a 9/29-9/30 poll with Obama leading 52-44% and 4% undecided.

Released Results:

Obama 45%
McCain 40%
Undecided 14%

Obama 73%
Undecided 16%
(Leaving 11% for McCain?)

McCain 85%
Undecided 10%
(Leaving 5% for Obama?)

Obama 44%
McCain 29%
Undecided 22%

Obama 62%
McCain 17%
Undecided 21%

Ages 18-34
Obama 51%
McCain 36%

Ages 35-49
Obama 33%
McCain 46%

Ages 50 and Older
Obama 48%
McCain "Just Under 40%" (according to article)

College Graduate Work or Grad Degree
Obama 60%
McCain 29%

High School Graduate or Less
Obama 53%
McCain 36%

Some College
Obama 34%
McCain 45%

Four-Year College Degree
Obama 41%
McCain 45%

Albuquerque Metro Area
Obama 51%
McCain 34%

North-Central Region NM
Obama 76%
McCain 12%

East Side NM
Obama 23%
McCain 64%

Southern NM
Obama 30%
McCain 50%

Which presidential candidate comes closer to reflecting your values?"
Obama 48%
McCain 41%

Note: On the values question, 400 registered, likely voters were interviewed statewide, and there's a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 points.

As usual, the Journal did not release Research and Polling Inc.'s complete cross-tabs so we don't know how the rest of the questions were asked, if other breakdowns of those surveyed provided additional data or if some results were not released to the public.

Some quotes from the Journal article by Brian Sanderoff of Research and Polling Inc. on the poll results:

"For John McCain to win, he needs to get his half of the independent vote. The jury is still out on whether his maverick message will prevail. The good news for McCain is, 16 percent of Democrats are undecided: They evidently have some reservations about Obama."

"... it looks like the Hispanics supporting Hillary are coming home to Obama. Bush was able to cut into that block, and win New Mexico, four years ago. McCain has a ways to go."

"McCain's strength has been among seniors." But "as Obama begins to open up a lead, both nationally and in New Mexico, he's beginning to (grab the advantage) among seniors."

"To win, John McCain must do better in Albuquerque ... he can't lose by this kind of margin."

Technorati Tags:

October 5, 2008 at 08:35 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tom Daschle in NM Discussing Economy, Rural Issues

Too bad the notices came out so late yesterday afternoon about Tom Daschle's visit to New Mexico this morning to stump for Obama and discuss rural issues at the El Commodore Restaurant in Moriarty and economic issues at the Transportation Center in Los Lunas. If they gave more notice, it would have been rewarding to witness a huge crowd of people disgusted about the bailout bill circus descend on the events and ask real questions about what's going on. As it stands, I'm sure Daschle mostly interacted with people who didn't raise much of a ruckus, if past events of this type are any indication.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope he got a taste of the palpable anger that's afoot among people who are paying attention to the "negotiations" in Washington and how they're so regally skewed to help the haves and to hell with the have nots. Yes, we need to do something, but most of what is being "seriously" considered in the Congress seems like a whitewash of epic proportions to me and many others. When will those on the side of the people get a meaningful say on this stuff?

October 1, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Saturday: Rep. Ken Martinez to Kick Off Campaign for Change "Votercade" on Enchanted Circle

The Obama campaign keeps coming up with creative ideas to connect with voters. I've never heard of this approach before, but I like it. What a great idea for a Saturday event up north when autumn is in the air -- and the Enchanted Circle is one of the most scenic routes in New Mexico.

HmartThis Saturday, September 27th, the Campaign for Change will host a “votercade” of cars and bikes with Obama-Biden decorations that will travel around the Enchanted Circle to encourage the community to register to vote. House Majority Floor Leader Ken Martinez will join the “votercade” and will drive one third of the circle, to stop at the Campaign for Change office in Taos to meet and talk with other participants.

Supporters will gather at three starting points--the Campaign for Change Taos Office, Brandenburg Park in Red River, and the Serenity Shop in Questa—at 10:30 AM to decorate their cars. At 11 AM, all of the cars will simultaneously start driving counter-clockwise, around the Enchanted Circle. Drivers are invited to stop at each location:

Campaign for Change Taos Office, 729 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Unit A, Taos, NM 87571, 575-751-3510

Brandenburg Park in Red River (Map)

Serenity Shop in Questa (Map)

You can also join a canvass for Obama in locales all over New Mexico this Saturday and Sunday. Get involved. Work for change. Now's the time.

The last day to register to vote in the 2008 election is OCTOBER 7, 2008. If you still need to register, click on the Rock the Vote graphic on the left-hand sidebar on this page, OR visit the Obama campaign's Do it now!

Technorati Tags:

September 26, 2008 at 05:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caroline Kennedy to Kick Off Obama Volunteer Event in Santa Fe


Caroline Kennedy will be in Santa Fe, Taos and Albuquerque on Friday and Saturday for private fundraisers for Barack Obama. The Campaign for Change has now announced that she'll also be speaking to volunteers at an event in Santa Fe on Friday. Caroline will kick off a debate watch party and volunteer training at PC's Restaurant, 4420 Airport Road in Santa Fe on Friday, September 26 from 4:30 to 5:45 PM.

As Obama prepares to debate McCain, volunteers from northern New Mexico will receive training from Campaign for Change staff, followed by a Debate Watch Party. Of course, nobody yet knows if McCain will participate in the debate scheduled for Friday at the University of Mississippi. Obama has said he'll show up regardless, and would be happy to do a town hall meeting or a one-on-one interview with debate moderator Jim Lehrer if McCain doesn't show.

There are dozens of other debate watch parties and Obama campaign events all over New Mexico during the next few days. Click for a listing, pick one out and get involved. If not now, when?

September 25, 2008 at 01:55 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tonight: Obama Youth Vote Kickoff Party at Kelly's Brew Pub, ABQ

Click on image for larger version

Come join us kick off our youth vote outreach in Albuquerque! We will have a DJ, special guests and speakers, and food!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 6:30-9:30 PM
Kelly's Brew Pub, 3222 Central Ave., ABQ


Meet and mingle with other Obama supporters and learn about how you can get more involved! All are welcome--young people, students, young professionals and the young at heart! The event is free!

Learn about how you can join the OBAMA STREET TEAM to help register young people to vote and engage them with the campaign on campuses, at concerts, clubs and other events. With just two weeks left before the voter registration deadline and six weeks before election day, WE NEED YOUR HELP to make sure that all young people have a voice in this election! Come party with us! Invite your friends!!

Co-Hosts: Mario Benavidez, Javier Benavidez, Ann Marie Padilla, Diana Montoya-Boyer, Bineshi Albert, Monica Cordova, Mimi Aledo, Lissa Knudsen, Danny Hernandez, Andrea Serrano, Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas, Antonio Sandoval, Adrian Pedroza, Ana Delgado Mascarenas, Carter Bundy, Laurie Weahkee, Chris Catechis, Chris Salas, Mikie Pruitt, Monica Trujillo, Timo Alvidrez, Delilah Denorio, Celestina Garcia, Damian Otero, Nathan Waites

More info: 505-553-6860 or See Albuquerque for Obama on Facebook.

September 24, 2008 at 10:50 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Youth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Northern Navajo Agency Council Endorses Obama

Obama meeting with Native American leaders at Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque last Thursday

From the Obama Campaign for Change: On the heels of three major endorsements from the Native American community last week, the Northern Navajo Agency Council yesterday announced their support of Senator Obama’s candidacy for president.

“Our endorsement of Sen. Obama is very significant. People on the reservations are suffering the same economic and healthcare pains faced by the rest of the country, and they want change,” said Chairman Donald Benally.

The endorsement became official at a meeting held over the weekend where Chapter presidents and vice presidents along with 80 council delegates from the Shiprock Agency voted unanimously to endorse Senator Obama. The Shiprock agency is located in northwestern New Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah and represents the following 20 chapters: Cudeii, Hogback, Littlewater, Mexican Water, Nenahnezad, Newcomb, Sanostee, Sheep Springs, Shiprock, Sweet Water, Teec Nos Pos, Two Grew Hills, Red Mesa, and Upper Fruitland.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center meeting

“Native America needs leadership that will regard tribal sovereignty as important and Barack Obama is that leadership. His record shows his commitment to education, health, and advancing the wage earning power of families who struggle,” said Navajo Nation Vice President Ben Shelly. “We need Barack Obama in the White House, to work with Congress, and make improvements that will put us closer to self-sufficiency while strengthening our tribal sovereignty.”

Obama takes questions

Last week, during his to Española and Albuquerque, Senator Obama met with more than 100 leaders of the Native American community at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and was endorsed by the All Indian Pueblo Council, the Mescalero Apache Tribe and Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley.

Photos from Obama campaign Flickr set.

Technorati Tags:

September 24, 2008 at 09:11 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Native Americans, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You're Invited: Musicians and Artists to Support Obama at Orpheum Art Space


Now this sounds like a spectacular way to spend an evening, and at the same time support Obama's campaign. Also, if you're an artist or musician, there's still time to offer your work at this event. See below.

On Friday, October 3rd at 8 PM at the Orpheum Art Space - SE corner of 2nd and Coal in Albuquerque - regional artists and musicians will gather to offer their work in support of Barack Obama for President. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to purchase some locally produced art work with all money raised going towards Barack Obama's Campaign for Change.

All kinds of cool, locally and regionally produced crafts will be available for purchase. Short films, photography, paintings, clothing, cartoons, . . . everything. Tractor Brewing Co. will be serving up their great beer and local musicians will be entertaining all night.

Any artist or musician that would like to offer their work in the sale can still contribute their pieces. It will be greatly appreciated if attendees could contribute $10 to the Campaign for Change and the event is open to everyone. Voter registrars will also be on hand to register new voters or update voters' registrations.

Simply put:

What: Art sale, social gathering, concert with Of God and Science, fundraiser for Obama, voter registration drive

When: Friday, October 3rd, 8 PM ~ 10:30 PM

Where: Orpheum Art Space - 500 2nd St. SW, Albuquerque - southeast corner of 2nd & Coal

How much: Suggested donation of $10. Art work and beer will also be available for purchase with the revenue going to Obama's Campaign for Change.

Matt (Dinger) Hemmendinger, 505-507-7989,
Hannah Macpherson, 310-386-5112,
Rebekah Wiggins, 575-914-0024,

September 23, 2008 at 08:19 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Music, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)


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