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Monday, May 21, 2012
Guest Blog: Please Help Me Defend The House by Representative Brian Egolf
An important message from Rep. Brian Egolf.
May 16, 2012, Dear Friends,
New Mexico is at a critical crossroads, and I am writing to ask for your urgent help. In this last session, Democrats held only a narrow margin in the State House of Representatives: 36:34. With the upcoming November election, that slim majority is under dire threat. Democrats already lost one seat in redistricting, so we must gain seats in November or there will be a Republican Speaker of the House, and Governor Martinez will have the rubber stamp legislature she wants. We cannot risk losing control to a Tea Party-controlled Republican majority.
Because this threat is so serious, I have started a PAC, called the New Mexico Defense Fund. Its mission is to preserve and grow our House Majority and thus stop the divisive political agenda pushed by Republicans around the country today – the war on women, the deep cuts in critical education funding, the elimination of important programs to support a strong middle class, the restriction of minority voting rights and the denial of civil rights to citizens. I cannot sit back and just wait for this to happen in here, so I am asking you to join me in a very important fight. All funds raised will directly support Democratic State House candidates in critical seats this fall.
If Republicans pick up even one seat, I will lose Chairmanship of the House Energy & Natural Resources Committee and be replaced by an anti-conservation Republican. I would no longer be able to use my position to stop Governor Martinez’s overt efforts to roll back common sense environmental protections that keep our water and natural resources safe. Other important committees would also be chaired by Republicans, and that means the Governor’s Tea-Party agenda will sail through the legislature.
Please stand with me on May 29 at our kick-off fundraiser and be as generous as possible. It will be at the home of Debbie Fleischaker & Kathleen Fontaine from 5:30 - 7:00 (details are in the invitation, attached here). I know that the demands on political donors right now are as high as ever. Nevertheless, raising funds and using them strategically and deliberately to hold onto the State House is critically important to our future.
Your invitation to the event is enclosed along with a remittance envelope in case you are unable to attend but would like to contribute. Please note that the envelopes are addressed to my campaign, but if you make you check payable to the New Mexico Defense Fund or make a similar notation for credit card payment on the envelope, your generous contribution will be used directly to support other worthy Democrats in key races.
As always, I am grateful for your support and your help with this critical endeavor.
Sincerely, Brian
P.S. In the span of 15 years, Texas quickly became a Red state after nearly 120 years of solid Democratic control. Please don’t think that it couldn’t happen here and make your contribution today to the New Mexico Defense Fund.
May 21, 2012 at 03:24 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Brian Egolf, Candidates & Races, Democrat | Permalink
Why did the DLCC hire an out of state fundraising operation! Keep our money local!
Posted by: Dem | May 21, 2012 4:58:46 PM
Brian, can you post an ActBlue link? I trust you to spend the $$ where it's actually needed, so I'd like to make donating as easy as possible for me and others.
Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 21, 2012 6:27:04 PM
Great idea re: ActBlue. We're in the process of setting it up, and we should be ready in a week.
Posted by: Brian Egolf | May 22, 2012 3:57:17 PM
Excellent! Thank you.
Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 25, 2012 4:01:32 PM