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Monday, September 21, 2009

Dem Candidates for NM Lt. Governor: Why I'm Running

From Terry Riley:
On Wednesday, September 16th, there was a Democratic Lt. Governor candidate forum held by the Democratic Party of Santa Fe. Six candidates who have announced their candidacies or are exploring a run for the 2010 race attended. State Senator Tim Eichenberg, who has expressed some interest in running, was in Las Cruces and unable to attend. There were at least 60 people present and I feel that some people were turned away.

The forum consisted of Santa Fe County Party Chair Richard Ellenberg reading a question and then each candidate answering. There were questions on the budget, education, etc. but the question on why each candidate chose to run seemed most fitting to post here. The following YouTube videos are from each of the candidates who attended the Santa Fe Democratic Party Lt. Governor candidate forum (in alphabetical order).

State Rep. Jose Campos

Former Democratic Party of NM Chair Brian Colon

State Sen. Linda Lopez

State Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino

MRCOG Executive Director Lawrence Rael

Santa Fe County Sheriff Greg Solano

September 21, 2009 at 11:22 AM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics, Santa Fe Politics


thanks terry riley for feeding the dfnm beast

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Sep 21, 2009 7:38:42 PM



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