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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

500+ Pack Campaign Kickoff for Brian Colón for Lt. Governor

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Brian Colón made a lot of good friends, all over the state, when he Chaired the Democratic Party of New Mexico -- a post he left to seek the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor. Last night, more than 500 of his supporters, fans and admirers packed the ballroom of Hotel Albuquerque for a celebration and fundraiser to show the kind of support Colón can muster for the 2010 LG race. And it's substantial, in terms of friends, backers, funds and enthusiasm.


The suggested donation range was 100 to 1000 dollars, so we know Colón raked in a tidy sum during an evening of speeches, great food, music and good old Democratic camaraderie. The positive buzz was loud and powerful -- and will no doubt travel far and wide -- putting Colón at the top of the heap of Dems who are officially or unoffically in the race. It was that good.



Donations are one thing, but the vibes were even better. There's a genuine passion for Colón's candidacy among rank and file Dems and heavy hitters alike. Why?

BrianPodium1 BrianPodium2

Because he reached out to everyone during his stint as State Chair. Because he strives to always keeps his word. Because he's devoted himself to turning New Mexico true blue, and keeping it that way. Because he works like a dog for the cause. Because he has the courage to advocate without apology for traditional Democratic values. Because he's a problem solver and a fighter. Because he and his family are the real deal -- honest, hardworking, funny, smart, trustworthy, caring human beings. It matters.

AlexFloresColonSpeechCr RafaelHector2
Alex Flores; Rafael Colón and Hector Balderas Jr.

The program opened with the Star Spangled Banner and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in both Navajo and English by Anesha Yazzie. Albuquerque native Alex Flores, a 23-year-old who's currently working on a Master's degree in Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, told the crowd why he views Brian as both a friend and mentor. Alex was a key organizer of the event and explained why he supports Colón's candidacy:

... there are few other people in the world I believe in more. Few other people who can reach out and build consensus like Brian can. Few people who are so relentless in their work. Those of you who have worked with Brian know this much already: he is judicious, he is genuine, and he always, always follows through. He is a problem-solver, a fixer, a connector, a policy-maker. His personal cause is to improve the lives of everyday New Mexicans. To make sure that people are taken care of and what needs to be done truly is - and done well. Nobody does it as sincerely. NOBODY does it as well.

Aleli and Rafael Colón

Next came remarks from Aleli, Brian's wife, and Rafael, his son -- telling the room just how special Brian is. Rafael gave his speech in both Spanish and English, quite an accomplishment for an 11 year old.


Brian Colón focused on Democratic values in his speech (pdf). (You can hear audio of the entire speech at What's the Word with Peter St. Cyr.) He addressed the topics of health care, education, jobs, clean energy, protecting the environment, equal rights for all and support for labor, teachers and a strong middle class:

We’re going to let the voters know that we believe in them and we’re going to let them know that we’re going to change the state.

As Democrats, we believe that every person deserves access to affordable health care ...

As Democrats, we believe that every child should receive high-quality education to prepare them for the future ...

... that all people are entitled to equal rights in the eyes of the law ...

... that hard work should be rewarded with a decent living wage.

And as Democrats, we believe that our leaders must be accountable -- and ethical.

That is why I am a DEMOCRAT. And THAT is why I am running for Lt. Governor.

He told the story of his own humble beginnings growing up in Section 8 housing in Valencia County, benefiting from government food programs and using scholarships and grants to be the first college graduate in his family and finish law school. Colón's father suffered from muscular dystrophy, and his mother cared for him as his condition worsened. He passed away at age 49. Without Medicaid and other support, his life would well have been shorter. Without a boost from the government, the Colons might not have made it as a family -- and he certainly wouldn't be up on a podium discussing his candidacy for Lt. Governor.

It was great to hear Colón make it crystal clear that he supports labor and unions:

As New Mexico moves to become a leader in this ‘new’ economy, let me assure you labor will have a seat at the table.

  • It is labor that fights for a fair and decent wage….
  • It is labor that fights for a safe work environment….
  • It is labor that fights for better health care…
  • and it is labor that ensures we have a strong middle class in New Mexico.

All in all, Colón covered all the bases and made it clear he's one serious contender for the much coveted Lt. Governor post. Last night's event was a powerful and energized start to a long haul that will need many volunteers, generous donations and hard work on the part of Brian Colón. He certainly seems up to it -- with a little help from his friends.

Visit Brian Colon's campaign website to sign up for info or to make a donation to support his candidacy.

All photos by M.E. Broderick. Click for event photo album at Flickr.

September 1, 2009 at 05:36 AM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink


Great event great candidate.

Posted by: GP | Sep 1, 2009 9:57:19 AM

Quite a turnout. I think Mr. Colon has a very good chance of winning the nomination.

Posted by: Nan | Sep 1, 2009 11:21:53 AM

Isn't there a labor dispute at the Hotel Albuquerque?! The poor workers were right outside the building... shame on Hotel Albuquerque and shame on Brian Colon for supporting them!

Posted by: Old Dem (BW Note: This is NOT the person known as Old Dem on here) | Sep 1, 2009 4:19:49 PM

Old Dem...I did not see any workers outside the building. And Brian made a passionate plea for the unions several times in his speech. I hardly think Brian is a union buster. I wonder what the real facts are around this matter?

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Sep 1, 2009 4:40:33 PM

I'm the real Old Dem and don't know who commented using the name I use on here. Whoever you are please use your own handle when commenting. I don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 1, 2009 5:37:58 PM

There appeared to be closer to 250 people there (I counted while he spoke) and no state legislators or other elected officials besides Colon's friend Hector Balderas. So pretty thin on the power factor. That being said, he is off to a good start and is certainly one of the probably 3 guys that can win this. It was also odd when he spoke for 5 minutes on health care and then immediately said the center piece of his campaign was education, but offered no solutions to fix the problem. Irrelevant I guess as the Lt. Gov has no vote except as a tie breaker and scant say in policy anyway.

Posted by: ABQ Dem | Sep 2, 2009 3:45:00 PM

I see the spammers are out. Both Peter St. Cyr and DFNM said 500 from being there and I've heard there were more than 400 RSVPs so whoever is posting as ABQ Dem is wrong and just trying to confuse things.

Whoever is bring up fake labor complaints is off base and spreading lies.

Posted by: Supporter | Sep 3, 2009 8:26:01 AM

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