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Friday, August 07, 2009

Heinrich Sets Health Care Town Hall; New Mexico Teabaggers Urging Violence, Guns?

As you've probably heard, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) will host another town hall meeting on the critical issue of health care reform with constituents in the First Congressional District during the August recess. Rep. Heinrich's Health Care Reform Town Hall is set for Saturday, August 22, 2009, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Building located at 1634 University Blvd. NE in Albuquerque (map).

We were hoping that a large turnout of Dems and others interested in pursuing a civil dialogue on health care reform would ensure a productive exchange of ideas, and provide a much-needed opportunity to get answers to our questions. Tragically, it appears that the worst elements of the right-wing assault on civic participation are planning something very different. And dangerous.

Somebody who goes by the name of ScottEO on Twitter has been Tweeting a number of threatening messages about targeting SEIU and ACORN if they show up at town halls. On his Twitter account, ScottEO claims to be located in Albuquerque and lists his name as Scott Oskay. He says this about himself in his bio: "Secret Alter Ego of Captain Obvious, Formerly of Cleveland, Denver, and New Orleans, Libertarian." You can see Oskay's Facebook page here.

Here's a recent screen capture of his page:

Click image for larger version

At the very least, ScottEO's comments constitute violent, disturbing hate speech:

If ACORN/SEIU attends these townhalls for disruption, stop being peaceful, and hurt them. Badly #iamthemob
11 minutes ago from TweetDeck

If ACORN/SEIU attends these meetings for disruptive purposes, and you have a license to carry....carry. [emphasis mine]
12 minutes ago from TweetDeck

if ACORN/SEIU attends these townhalls, take pictures of them, and of their license plates on anticipation of disruption. #iamthemob #tlot
13 minutes ago

Or how about this one:

If ACORN/SEIU attends, remind them that your target is centralized, while you and your allies, are not. #iamthemob #tlot
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck

If this isn't crossing the line from political criticism into murderous threats, what is? Of course Mr. Oskay could just be goofing around or showing off but -- in the current climate of GOP-fed rage -- his comments are clearly inflammatory and reckless.

As we've seen in the numerous reports emanating from town halls organized by Dem members of Congress around the country, the mob mentality and behavior of teabagger types appears to be taking a more violent and disruptive path with each passing day. This isn't about having a healthy debate or exercising one's First Amendment rights -- it's becoming a dangerous form of intimidation that could easily erupt into something much worse. Unfortunately, GOP operatives and even Republican members of Congress seem to be condoning the behavior.

Just today, Brian Colón, Chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, felt compelled to issue a strong statement critical of the escalating hooliganism of the right-wing mobs and their GOP and allied right-wing backers:

Throughout the summer, we have been reaching out to New Mexicans to engage in an important debate on the future our health care system. We have heard story after story from people who are struggling to get the care they need.

Recently, their thoughtful discussions are being interrupted by angry mobs - well funded and organized by K Street Lobbyists - attempting to drown out the voices of the hard-working New Mexicans who are desperate for health insurance reform. These groups are not concerned about Americans' access to quality heath care, but are extreme ideologues, only interested in 'breaking' the President and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.

In the last three years the Republican Party has lost control of the House, the Senate and the White House because they have offered no ideas and no solutions. Now, these well funded right-wing groups are following the example of the Republican Party and instead of providing real ideas for fixing our broken health care system, they're doing everything they can to drown out thoughtful discussion and spread vicious and hateful lies. Their desperate behavior does nothing to help their cause, New Mexicans or our country.

"Despite their threatening tactics, we will continue our work to give a voice to the majority of New Mexicans who believe that all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care.

And this statement was issued before anyone was aware of ScottEO's alarming statements on Twitter today.

If you follow the Twitter hashtags #iamthemob and #tlot used by ScottEO, you'll quickly see that he's not alone in encouraging paranoia, violence and disorder. There's more at #tcot and #teaparty.

Isn't it time to call upon the Republican Party of New Mexico, the RNC and Republican members of Congress to speak out against the mob behavior and intensifying climate of violence they are helping to create? This menacing phenomenon needs to be reined in by those who have encouraged it -- before incidents of hanging members of Congress in effigy become something much worse.

For more on the growing thuggishness of the right-wing provocateurs, check out these posts at New Mexico FBIHOP: and .

August 7, 2009 at 01:46 PM in Civil Liberties, Corporatism, Crime, Democratic Party, Events, Healthcare, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Health Care Reform, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink


I think Obama himself should speak out about this situation before something really, really bad happens.

Posted by: JJ | Aug 7, 2009 2:07:50 PM

When are the Democrats going to start implementing rules for these events, warning everyone and having people escourted out who break the rules?

Obama needs to get serious and address this horrible situation with an hour long speech in prime time like he did the one about race.

Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 7, 2009 3:31:12 PM

Not a joke anymore. Imagine if these were liberals or minorities doing this stuff.

Posted by: Stop Them Now | Aug 7, 2009 3:48:02 PM

To Stop Them Now I think that your reference was that if it were liberals or minorities acting like the Tea Baggers that they would be arrested. I agree with you and I think that is terrible. I also feel that the actions and attitudes of the Tea Baggers is terrible. We need to come to our town halls and show proper respect for all that came to speak. We need to support the plan that we like and speak out about it. We must not get into fights with people - no matter how much they provoke! There will be media coverage at any town hall this month so we need to keep democracy in action and not participate in any physical action or retaliation.

We are civil people and we have an opportunity to show it on national TV. Please join me at Martin's August 22 event at the UNM Continuing Education Building.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Aug 7, 2009 4:14:10 PM

In case anyone wants our handout on healthcare reform, prepared for a forum held in Ruidoso last night and organized by the real teabaggers, who are a conservative bunch but actually believe in free speech, etc, email me at I have actually read HR 3200, so put in some points about it, as well as information about Wendell Potter, etc. It is two pages, set up to be double-sided.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Aug 7, 2009 4:55:18 PM

IDemocrats at the meeting will be dedicated to keeping things civil, polite and orderly. But we have to make sure all points of view get heard without rude interruptions. There are ways to do this. I hope Rep. Heinrich will have enough security there to deal with people who won't follow the rules.

Republicans and Democrats should both joining up to make sure our town hall isn't like some of the others. This isn't a partisan issue. We are all Americans.

Posted by: Independent | Aug 7, 2009 6:06:35 PM

Thanks for the Facebook link. I am tempted to unleash a SuperPoke frenzy on him.

Posted by: Cara | Aug 7, 2009 8:10:05 PM

I will be at this meeting as well. I am not an affiliate of either party, and abhor the disinformation that has come from both sides. Violence at any democratic meeting is unacceptable.

As for the derogatory comments against "teabaggers", this is not necessary either. When labels are used, we diminish ourselves as much as those that we apply them too. This applies to labels for race and political affiliation as well: Black/White, Dems/Reps, Libs, Cons - the only label we should use is Americans. So let's show up with open minds and get the REAL facts, not conjecture or spin.

Posted by: Frederick Doyle | Aug 9, 2009 9:43:30 AM

I think this should be a wake up call for Democrats. They should arm themselves, because if these right wingers use force you should protect yourselve. I carry a gun not only for protection from thieves and evil doers, but from rednecks and rightwingers that live down here in Roswell. They like to use force, but not aganst me.

Posted by: george | Aug 9, 2009 3:38:56 PM

It is sad to see this predilection toward violence on the Right. It is like the 60s have returned, only it is the Right, not the Left.

Posted by: keloki | Aug 13, 2009 4:57:53 PM

I think those of us for health care reform can just keep showing everyone that we are for democracy, reasonable dialogue, and respect for town hall meetings. My father is a Republican opposed to health care reform but he's become more open to the reform ideas b/c the behavior.

Posted by: Sarah | Aug 18, 2009 2:28:04 PM

It is not possible to engage in "reasonable dialogue" when faced with a shouting mob of fascists- and there is no comparison between the right wing mobs who have no trouble threatening, killing those with whom they disagree (Dr. Tiller) - and the left from the 60s. I was at Wall Street when the hardhats attacked the hippies, and I was glad that we fought back.I am sick of watching the dems appease the right- the time is now upon us to fight back. "can't we all be nice and get along " does not work.
If Obama and congress sell us out, I will sit out the next election- and even though I am only one vote- there are many who feel the same way.

Posted by: Susanna | Aug 18, 2009 7:15:58 PM

Just checked ActBlue's list of congressmen and women who won't vote for a health care bill that doesn't include a public option. Heinrich is not on this list. Disappointed.

Posted by: Melissa | Aug 20, 2009 1:38:10 PM

What time should we be there if we want to get in? I heard that there's only 600 spots, and I'd hate for them to all be taken by screamers.

Posted by: Sara | Aug 21, 2009 6:02:19 PM



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