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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

(Updated) Attendee Adds More on Teabagger Crowd at Teague's Event in Roswell

Update: Matt at New Mexico FBIHOP found a "patriotic" blogger bragging about being part of a similarly disrespectful, uninformed and boorish crowd that hounded Rep. Harry Teague at an event in Las Cruces this past Saturday. Read the right-winger's post for a taste of what these bullies are up to these days. Who needs action on greenhouse gases when they've learned from Rush Limbaugh that global warming is a myth?
I wrote previously that someone going by the name "alfdom" had posted a photo tonight on Twitter of, "A loud rude group of about 25 intent on repeating gobal warning is from volcanos to Congressman Teague at Roswell.."

I contacted alfdom, who turned out to be Alfredo Dominguez III, a retiree who worked for the City of Roswell and now works part time for another employer. He submitted the following personal account of what occurred at the event in Roswell with Congressman Harry Teague (NM-02). It speaks for itself:

The crowd of about 35 people went to where Congressman Teague was. It was at Pepper's Bar and Grill on North Main st. I arrived about 3:45. There were some people waiting to talk to Mr. Teague privately. The Congressman was meeting with one or two people at a time.

About 30 people wanted Congressman Teague to stop talking to the individuals and address them as a group. The Congressman has had two such meetings before in Roswell without incident. The group was loud and disruptive. There were several people trying to instigate outrage at how the meetings were going on. I was approached by two separate women who voiced frustrations about how the meeting was being run and something about cap and trade. I could not understand why they were so angry.

I am from Roswell. I did not recognize most of the people there. About 4:00 Congressman Teague started to take questions from the crowd. One person asked if Mr. Teague truly felt the majority of his constituents would vote the same way [on the energy bill]. Mr. Teague answered yes to the question and the crowd started to boo. The group was more intent on being loud than listening to Mr. Teague.

I took a picture to make the people in the group start to think. If one thinks they can be anonymous they are very bold. When I stared to ask people who they were they calmed down a bit. One lady did give her name but her speech was slurred and I could not understand her.

The end result is that people who wanted to visit with the Congressman had their time taken by a group of people that just wanted to cause problems. I shook the Congressman's hand on the way out, and then followed him out to make sure he made it to the car safely.

Most of the group believed global waring was not real, that they would die because they would not be able to pay high utility bills and that Nancy Pelosi wanted to perform medical procedures on them.

July 1, 2009 at 10:32 PM in Climate, Energy, Environment, Events, Guest Blogger, Healthcare, Las Cruces, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Republican Party | Permalink


I retired from the City of Roswell and now work part-time for another employer.

I should have written the report better. The report was an attempt to give more information to Barb. She asked for more information about the photo I posted. It is a raw report which I should have edited before I sent it. I did not intend it to be a blog post.

I treated sewage at my last job and do not claim to have any writing skills. I did give Barb permission to use my account as she saw fit.

Posted by: Alfredo Dominguez III | Jul 2, 2009 12:34:12 AM

I know Alfredo, he is one of the local Roswell Democrats and was brave enough to run for the HD 59 in 2000. He lost, but the Republicans were so scared of him that when redistricting occurred in 2001 they changed the lines so he would not be in HD 59 any more.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jul 2, 2009 6:13:18 AM

This is an outrage. I know Alfedo as well and his family. When Pearce was our Congressman we always showed him respect. I didn't always agree with him on issues, ok mostly all of his issues, but I would never resort to this kind of "thugism." I guess if this type of domestic and political terrorism keeps up, Congressman Teague will have to have bodyguards and the open relationship that New Mexicans have with their legislators will go the way of New York and Chicago where politicians are highly protected and guarded. What a shame. Harry will be in Alamogordo today, another bastion of right wing nut conservatism. He will be in town to open a field office here. I will keep you posted on the outcome.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jul 2, 2009 8:19:46 AM

Alfredo, I made the correction on your work status. Contrary to your comments, I think what you wrote is very helpful in describing the atmosphere and those who created it at the Teague event. All of us who write anything can always use more editing, but your quickly drafted report is valuable. Thanks for submitting it.

Posted by: barb | Jul 2, 2009 9:50:04 AM

I know Alfred too. He is a good union man who works hard to provide for his family. He is respectful, decent and kind. He is always looking out for other people and knows bad behaviour when he sees it. Dude your account if very good don't appoligize for it, you always represent...thanks for standing up once again.

Posted by: Michelle Mares | Jul 2, 2009 2:03:13 PM

It's great to get this insight since I wasn't there, but since I grew up in Hobbs it's not surprising that many people came to give Teague a bunch of BS from around southern NM. For one, folks don't have much to do down there, so chance to travel a couple hours to congregate and give a so called "enemy" hell isn't surprising. What they don't know is Teague is doing a hell of a better job than Pearce ever did during his tenure which consisted of making decisions that benefited big oil companies there, but not the workers and their families. Pearce definitely helped my father keep his job in SE NM, that's why he was forced to move to Texas to be able to work and not lose his retirement.

Posted by: Wanrey | Jul 2, 2009 2:03:37 PM

And just to be straight here, I know I'm making comparisons between a Rep. (Teague) and an ex-Senator (Pearce), but I've heard a few times where folks down south (in NM :)) talk about how they need Pearce back and get rid of Teague. I tend to disagree and wanted to highlight someone who is working for people and not the oil industry.

Posted by: Wanrey | Jul 2, 2009 3:19:54 PM

Congressman Teague was in Alamogordo today to open his office here. the repubs were out in a little force, mostly annoying and interrupting. On the whole pretty calm. They really didn't want us democrats there but we had our own force as well. As far as I could tell it went smoothly although they are so PO'd they can't see straight because we hold ALL the congressional seats.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jul 2, 2009 4:15:08 PM

Steve Pearce was never a Senator. He ran for the Senate against Tom Udall and lost by a mile.

Posted by: Evie | Jul 2, 2009 4:22:12 PM

Here are some FACTS and DATA that completely refute the idiotic claims that volcanoes are producing global warming:


As with so many hysterical right-wing talking points, reality and research are ignored in favor of revving up the mobs with pure fantasy.

Posted by: barb | Jul 2, 2009 6:19:18 PM

Fairly predictable - imposing
higher energy costs, countless regulations while voting for a bill he hadn't read - and you wonder why people are furious?

Democrats are giving a free pass to this government without trying to stay informed. It's that same out of touch syndrome that will yield back some balance in 2010.

Posted by: Steve | Jul 2, 2009 7:48:36 PM

steve have you read the bill? just asking

Posted by: mary ellen | Jul 2, 2009 7:59:50 PM

Steve you don't know what you are talking about. Good thing you have Rep. Teague voting for the bill. That way he got things included that help the district. They didn't need his vote to pass it but because he voted for it there were benefits to southern NM. Pearce or another R would have voted no, not helping anything because he would be out in the cold.

Energy costs will increase no matter what. One of the most expensive costs of energy is the trillion+ dollars going to the Long War in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's being fought to gain oil fields and control land where energy pipelines will cross or already do. With a new energy economy that might end.

The Congressional Budget office has concluded that the current energy bill will cost households about $175 a year extra IN 2020, less before then and less for those in the working class and middle class. The GOP is lying through their teeth about this. You're the one who should get informed.

Posted by: Ray | Jul 2, 2009 8:01:33 PM

Fair article on Teague's visit to Socorro and energy bill:


Posted by: M. Haines | Jul 2, 2009 8:17:25 PM

"steve have you read the bill? just asking"

You mean this crap:


Other than skimming through the mind numbing level of regulation NO.

But the point is Harry didn't either but voted for it anyway!

Don't know what's in it?
Sure, trust us, go ahead and vote for it.

The problem is Dems don't know what's in it either other than 'that cap and trade bill'. Many voted for 'Hope and Change' then went back to sleep.

As you see, that's only a small part of it. Restrictions on personal housing, having federal inspectors of your home for energy, mandating remodeling should you try to sell your older home.
Mandated tariffs on foreign countries if they don't play along (an admission of the deleterious economic consequences of such a bill). In fact, why would anyone question that this bill would be painful?


Posted by: Steve | Jul 2, 2009 10:41:40 PM

"As with so many hysterical right-wing talking points, reality and research are ignored in favor of revving up the mobs with pure fantasy."

The realities are that while there has been warming, the threat has been wildly exaggerated and the benefits ignored.

During the Holocene Climatic Optimum, we know from orbital mechanics that the summers were much warmer (and winters much colder) in the Northern Hemisphere.

And yet this was not a calamity for Polar Bears, Greenland's ice, or humans. Indeed this corresponded with the rise of civilization in Mesopotamia and elsewhere.

So perhaps the hysteria is overreacting too extra CO2, without which human life would be impossible.

Posted by: Steve | Jul 2, 2009 10:51:07 PM

"Energy costs will increase no matter what."

Sound economic reasoning if ever I've heard it.

"The Congressional Budget office has concluded that the current energy bill will cost households about $175 a year extra IN 2020, less before then and less for those in the working class and middle class."

But, of course, you are choosing to ignore this:

The biggest doozy in the CBO analysis was its extraordinary decision to look only at the day-to-day costs of operating a trading program, rather than the wider consequences energy restriction would have on the economy. The CBO acknowledges this in a footnote: "The resource cost does not indicate the potential decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) that could result from the cap."

"You're the one who should get informed."

Ponies and rainbows.

Posted by: Steve | Jul 2, 2009 11:03:48 PM

The group of people who disrupted the meeting had more problems, than the Waxman-Markey Bill. They were shouting different phrases, they interrupted Congressman Teague, they would interrupt each other. They wanted to ruin the opportunity for people to speak with Congressman Teague. Their anger faded quickly after the meeting, as they congratulated each other for filling up a restaurant and wasting other people's time. Their behavior indicated they had succeeded in what they came to do.

At the previous meetings, the restaurants made some money because most people ate something. I saw no one eating and know the restaurant lost money on this meeting. People with needs that the Congressmen could have helped with were stopped from talking with him.

A small group coming to ruin a meeting is not the American way of settling differences. They did not want to be heard, they wanted to stop people from talking to Congressman Teague. They did not have enough power to change anything so they decided to ruin it for everyone else. They were like spoiled children, unable to create a picture they liked, spilling the paint and tearing the canvas, so no one could create anything.

I was not expecting this behaviors from grown people, I will not be surprised again. Actions have consequences.

Posted by: Alfredo Dominguez III | Jul 3, 2009 12:38:25 AM

As far as utilities going up in New Mexico, I would ask the PRC why they always almost without exceptions give Quest and PNM, a monopoly a raise everytime they ask for it. Those of us in CD2 are very glad to have Congressman Teague as our representative and I will do everything it takes to keep him here. Tomorrow, the birthday of our nation, Congressman Teague will be the Grand Marshall for the $th of July parade in Alamogordo. If you think that won't tan the right wing nuts here you would be wrong. I sincerely hope that those who don't agree with Teague will not let their opposing opinion escalate to violence and cause him or his staff any harm.God Bless America, God Bless Harry Teague!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jul 3, 2009 8:40:54 AM

"Those of us in CD2 are very glad to have Congressman Teague as our representative and I will do everything it takes to keep him here."

Should this bill make it through the Senate,
it would damage this country, cost anyone who wanted to sell an older home thousands of dollars, and represent a massive intrusion of federal government into personal and local affairs.

Thomas Jefferson would have reviled this kind of bill.

Anyone that votes for something without knowing the contents is not representing anyone except his own interest in doing what he's told. Harry will go.

Any president that abdicates the process to Congress is no leader.

"If you think that won't tan the right wing nuts here you would be wrong."

It's convenient to categorize anyone that disagrees with you but does not display a particular breadth of perspective.

"I sincerely hope that those who don't agree with Teague will not let their opposing opinion escalate to violence and cause him or his staff any harm."

I share your wishes here. I left the Las Cruces event to reduce the crowd and because I don't like yelling. I left with a similar concern for Harry at the anger.

On the other hand the anger represents how out of touch this vote was and how people react when government seizes the public's assets in the name of some nebulous, tenuous threat.

Posted by: Steve | Jul 3, 2009 10:52:53 AM

Steve, if you knew anything at all about the legislative process, you'd know that staffers prepare detailed analyses of bills because if members of Congress had to read every bill they'd be unable to perform their other duties. It has been this way for many decades because bills are written in legal language that is by nature long and very specific. You admitted you couldn't read the bill yourself. This is why there are trained staffers and legal authorities in the Congress who help with this service.

This comment is misguided. "Any president that abdicates the process to Congress is no leader." Um, there are 3 branches of government and the Congress writes the laws.

As for Thomas Jefferson, I think he'd be for this bill because he was a man in touch with the times and a visionary thinker. We need to replace energy systems and policies that were designed for the 20th century with those appropriate for the 21st century. We need to move forward and develop technologies that won't strain the planet and will keep our air and water clean for future generations. It's an enlightened view rather than one that's about clinging to a no-longer workable status quo.

Your talk about past climate events on the planet is also badly informed. Of course there have been many climactic changes but by studying the effects of variables, it has clearly been determined that greenhouse gases are pushing things way out of line.

Why are you so afraid of science, facts and the truth?

Posted by: barb | Jul 3, 2009 12:09:14 PM

Steve, re that edited clip you put up with Obama talking about prices of electricity, that is true. What it leaves out are all the provisions that counteract that price rise while we transition to a new system. When we transitioned from horses to cars or from gas light to electricity the costs at first were high. But there are tipping points that occur when x number of users transition to the new system. The energy bill helps keep costs down during the transition.

Posted by: barb | Jul 3, 2009 12:17:13 PM

This guy Steve is a hoot. His denial of global warming and its causes are like something out of the dark ages. He plucks something from the past with no relation to the present. He claims this "proves" that the vast majority of genuine climate scientists are wrong and parrots of Rush Limbaugh like him are right.

Shut up and pay your taxes that you owe for the privilege of being a US citizen Steve. What is YOUR carbon footprint?

Posted by: Larry L. | Jul 3, 2009 2:24:01 PM

The group was not angry about the Waxman-Markey Bill. After seeing them after the meeting, it became apparent it was a staged event. After reading Steve's comments, I realized the in the group each one statement that they would keep repeating or yelling. One lady claimed the Congressman would not answer her calls. One complained about the way the meeting was run. Another was saying the climate is getting colder. Another yelled Congressman Teague wanted to kill people with government regulations. Another claimed old people would die because Harry Teague was the Congressman. They were acting like they were enraged. I thought they were until after the meeting.

It was a staged event. Crashing a meeting is a tactic to gain some advantage. Stuffing the ballot box, scaring off voters, jamming phone lines, slashing tires of GOTV staff are also tactics. People who are losing use them.

There was anger in the group. They are angry they could not elect their candidates. They are angry they do not have the influence they had. Reality is crashing their illusions and they need someone to blame, someone besides themselves.

Posted by: Alfredo Dominguez III |

Posted by: Alfredo Dominguez III | Jul 3, 2009 3:53:21 PM

A fairly balanced view of cap and trade and the climate change:


Posted by: Ken | Jul 3, 2009 3:54:25 PM

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