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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Matthew Padilla Pondering Run for New Mexico Lt. Governor

This is a letter from Matthew Padilla introducing himself and outlining his thoughts about a possible run as a Democrat for Lt. Governor in New Mexico in 2010. If you don't know Matt from his days growing up in New Mexico, you may recall him from a recent guest blog here on repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell (see below).

I have been thinking very seriously about running for Lt. Governor of New Mexico in the 2010 election. My wife and I have not reached a final decision yet, but we believe the opportunity represents a great chance to help create a common vision for New Mexico. I would like to briefly introduce myself to you and explain why I am considering this race.

I grew up in the South Valley of Bernalillo County, where the community; family, primos, friends, vecinos, as well as the cows and horses next door, all had a profound impact on me as a person.

My father, also a South Valley native, is a retired firefighter who started as a volunteer in the Bernalillo County Fire Department and rose to Deputy Fire Chief, and my mother (before she passed) was raised in Clayton, New Mexico and was a dispatcher with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. My stepmother (who has also been like a mother) is now retired from Qwest and was a proud member of the Communication Workers of America.

Matt_Navy_LTI am a graduate of Rio Grande High School, earned a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, and will soon earn a J.D. from American University Washington College of Law. In addition to my formal schooling, I have an informal education from my time serving as an officer in the United States Navy. As a member of the crew of the Amphibious Assault Ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) I participated in such operations as Joint Task Force Liberia, and Joint Task Force Katrina/Rita. In Liberia we helped oust Charles Taylor, one of Africa’s worst dictators. While inport New Orleans we helped coordinate relief efforts during one of the worst tragedies to befall U.S. soil. I also served on the Guided Missile Destroyer USS Laboon (DDG-58) where I helped prepare and qualify the ship for deployment and participated in NATO exercises near the British Isles before completing my tour in the Navy as a Lieutenant. As a law student I have interned in the Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), and was also a Fellow in the Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).

There are many others like me who have graduated from Rio Grande High School and who have had similar success. I am considering entering this race in order to help create a culture of education and achievement, promote sustainable development without irresponsible corporate windfalls, and maintain and strengthen our system of emergency preparedness.

I am considering entering the race because I strongly believe our government needs leaders who are willing to make tough decisions and form creative solutions to deal with our State’s toughest issues:

1. Our Education Emergency: Our schools must prepare our students for the green economy. The current dropout rate and low test scores are signs that our current system will leave future generations unprepared to compete for jobs in a high tech, sustainable (green) economy. Many of us went to the schools often cited for their high dropout rates and poor test scores. I want to work to make sure that the professional and academic success many of us have achieved is no longer the exception but the rule in New Mexico. We were recently ranked 48th in the nation in education; 48th is not acceptable. We must demand more from our government, our teachers, our parents and our students.

2. Sustainable Development, not Development to Sustain Corporate Windfalls: New Mexico has a strong rural heritage, and keeping that heritage strong is not at odds with a future economy based on new technologies and green energy. SunCal came very close to receiving a huge tax handout which would have imperiled the tax base of many New Mexico communities, and the water rights of many others. We should bring economic development to our existing New Mexico communities and small businesses, not failing California companies.

3. Protect Those Who Protect Us: The health and safety of our citizens and first responders must be a top priority for our government. As a Navy veteran of the Katrina relief efforts and the son of a Bernalillo County Fire Fighter I know and understand how important it is to maintain and improve New Mexico’s emergency preparedness. Our first responders deserve the best training, equipment and salaries we can provide. Keeping our police officers, firefighters and EMTs safe, so that they may keep us safe, must always be one of our primary objectives.

There are many other issues, from civil rights and workers’ rights to pay to play politics, which also need to be addressed in the next decade. One thing is certain: I cannot do this without your support and help! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on these and other issues of concern. As I move forward with this decision I encourage you to ask your friends and family for their opinions, and I will reach out to continue our conversation in the days and weeks ahead.

Matt Padilla


The Albuquerque Journal:

New Mexico Independent:

Democracy for New Mexico:

Sustainable Development Law and Policy Brief (SDLP can be found here):

Contact Matthew Padilla with your thoughts on his positions on the issues and his possible run for Lt. Governor:

July 29, 2009 at 10:19 AM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party, Guest Blogger | Permalink


Rep. Heinrich just chosen #1 most beautiful by The Hill in the nation's capitol. It is on Huffpo today.
#1 most beautiful!
His pic makes him look like superman.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 29, 2009 11:41:43 AM

Who care about Heinrich and his looks? I wish he'd come in #1 for speaking out boldly on progressive issues instead of hiding out being vague.

Posted by: Prog Demo | Jul 29, 2009 12:21:38 PM

I knew Matt at Notre Dame and can attest that you would be hard-pressed to find a more ethically driven individual than Matt. If I lived in New Mexico, he would definitely have my vote.

Posted by: John Lynk | Jul 29, 2009 4:18:41 PM

Glad to hear Matt is ethically driven, maybe if elected Lt Govenor he might be able to school a few of the NOT so ethical State Legislators.

Posted by: VP | Jul 30, 2009 7:39:42 AM

The strength of a person is produced from the awareness of his/her ancestry, and Matt represents a dedicated New Mexican who has the fortitude to withstand the naysayers and help the voice of the people be heard. Hasta la victoria siempre!

Posted by: dr. loughrey | Jul 30, 2009 2:42:42 PM

Padilla sounds like a good guy to be in charge in an emergency. I would trust this guy.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 31, 2009 3:20:19 PM

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