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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Helpful Maps, Info for Tonight's Johnson Field Obama Event; McCain Crowd Small at Spanish Village This Morning

Parking for the rally will be available to the public in lots M (near UNM Golf Course and the Law School), Q (near UNM Children's Campus) and T (southwest corner of Lomas and University), as well as at University Stadium. No shuttles will be available. Here's a UNM Parking Map.

We all know it -- it's gonna be a madhouse at Johnson Field in Albuquerque tonight for Barack Obama's rally. Mary Ellen stopped by the site today and said there were already about a hundred people lined up at 2:00 PM for an event where the gates don't open until 7:00 PM. My gut feeling is that more people will show up than can possibly fit on the huge field. I've heard people are coming from outside Albuquerque for the event, some from hundreds of miles away, with many bringing their kids for what they view as an historic event -- and perhaps the last chance to see the future President of the United States in person.

We don't know if Obama will win the election yet, but many people have a strong feeling he's on the road to victory, including me. We can't get complacent or overly optimistic, but it sure feels like the tide is finally turning our way, doesn't it?

So NM-01's Martin Heinrich will be speaking tonight, to the largest crowd he'll ever face as a Congressional candidate. Gov. Bill Richardson is also set to speak. Comedian George Lopez will entertain the crowd. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mayor Marty Chavez on the podium, as well as other candidates and office holders. If we don't have a mariachi band, I'll be shocked. Expect to hear some Stevie Wonder tunes on the PA. Expect to be wowed by everything, but especially by Obama's electrifying speech.

Today's McCain Crowd "Embarassingly Small" And the visit to the Spanish Village at Expo NM in Albuquerque this morning by Obama's rival in the presidential race? According to What's the Word with Peter St. Cyr, there was an embarrassingly small turnout, but McCain's campaign people didn't admit just how small. Only about 800 people showed up, according to Peter's Twitters, while McCain's people were claiming they gave away 3,500 tickets and that 1,500 were on hand.

Check Back Later
Mary Ellen and I will be in the press area tonight, and I know Matt of NM FBIHOP and Peter St. Cyr will be there too. Look for posts, photos, audio and video either late tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how long it takes to get outta there. If we're lucky, we might even get some wi-fi access to shoot you some info from on the scene, although last time out in Espanola, only the traveling press had it.

October 25, 2008 at 02:41 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, John McCain, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


UNM's open wi-fi must reach the field. peace, mjh

Posted by: mjh | Oct 25, 2008 2:55:52 PM

I had trouble getting wifi at the Michelle Obama event at UNM's SUB. Crossing my fingers for wifi at this one.

Posted by: Matt | Oct 25, 2008 3:29:29 PM



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