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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich Talks About Issues Important to Working People

Martin Heinrich, NM-01's Dem candidate for Congress, talks about the Employee Free Choice Act, health care and his work with the labor movement in a video from the AFL-CIO posted on . Numerous labor unions have endorsed Heinrich. An on the NM Labor 2008 site has this to say about Martin as part of a series called Meet Our Endorsed Candidates:

Martin’s past work with the labor movement includes leading the fight to raise the minimum wage in Albuquerque. Thanks to hard work from Martin, AFSCME, CWA, OPCM, UFCW, and the Building Trades unions, Albuquerque is one of only three cities in the U.S. in which the minimum wage is higher than both the federal and state minimum wages.

Martin also believes in affordable health care for all working families. “We need to make sure that health care is portable, that people don’t loose health care when they loose their jobs, that pre-existing conditions don’t keep people from having health care, and we should require the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices for our seniors,” says Martin.

“One of the most influential things that union members can do to support pro-working family candidates in this election is to phone bank, canvass, pass out worksite leaflets, and talk to friends and co-workers about why they are voting,” says Martin. “It is also crucial to vote early and to vote by mail.”

Martin Heinrich is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do what you can to help him get elected. His campaign needs volunteers and financial support to defeat his backward-leaning GOP competitor Darren White. We don't need a Repub representative in NM-01 who wants to extend the horribly damaging Bush agenda into the coming years. The complex problems we're facing need to be addressed by someone who understands the issues and will represent the people, not the special interests. Don't just nod your head in agreement -- sign up to volunteer for Heinrich's campaign and donate to the cause.

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August 5, 2008 at 10:26 AM in Economy, Populism, Healthcare, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


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