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Monday, May 05, 2008

RSVP Now: Obama Campaign Vote for Change Kickoff in ABQ on 5/10

National Voter Registration Drive

The Barack Obama campaign is launching its new 50-state voter registration and mobilization drive on May 10th at locations across the nation. In Albuquerque, Obama supporters will meet at the IBEW Union Hall at 4921 Alexander Blvd. NE (map) on Saturday, May 10, at 9:00 AM to kick off the Vote for Change effort in New Mexico.

Arrive a little before 9:00 AM for free coffee, juice, donuts, etc., and there will be voter registration training for those new to the process. Participants will fan out to do voter registration throughout the county. Anyone interested in participating may contact Ana Canales at or 515-9662, or click to RSVP for the event online.

Similar events will continue through the November election in all 50 states, including New Mexico. Recent voter registration drives organized by the Obama campaign have helped in gaining more than 200,000 new Democratic registrations in Pennsylvania, more than 165,000 new Democrats in North Carolina, and more than 150,000 new Democrats in Indiana.


Message from Michelle Obama about Vote for Change:

In every state across the country, there are thousands of qualified voters who are not registered to vote. Some believe their vote doesn't matter, some have been actively disenfranchised, and some have been overlooked or excluded by a broken system that has lost touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans. Barack and I entered this race because we believe there's a chance to change that.

From the beginning, our goal has been to reach out to people of all races, ages, and backgrounds and bring them back into the political process. We must use the rare opportunity we have right now to bring people together and make this a better country for all Americans. That's why I'm excited to announce a 50-state voter registration and mobilization drive we're calling Vote for Change.

Beginning with a nationwide kick-off on Saturday, May 10th, more than 100 Vote for Change events will take place in every state, organized by our dedicated volunteers who are leading this campaign for change in their own communities.

Sign up to get involved now:

This campaign is about the change in all of us -- it's about demanding that we live in a different world and being ready to fight for the vision that we have for our children. And that starts with being engaged and engaging others. If you're reading this, you're already somewhat engaged in this campaign. But if your experience is anything like mine, you know at least 20 other people who are not engaged, who are not focused on politics, and who may not vote in November.

If we are going to change this country, the change must come from the bottom up. That means reaching out in your community, in your circle of friends, and even in your family. You can help get new people involved in the process so together we can finally solve the problems that this country faces. Join Vote for Change today and start registering and mobilizing voters.

Throughout this campaign, we've seen millions of Americans get involved who have never been interested in politics, never volunteered on a campaign, and many who have never even registered to vote before. And some of our greatest successes have been recent.

Voter registration drives organized and conducted by supporters like you have registered more than 200,000 new Democrats in Pennsylvania, more than 165,000 new Democrats in North Carolina, and more than 150,000 new Democrats in Indiana. Those numbers just scratch the surface of what's possible.

And that's why Barack needs you. He needs regular folks, engaged not just with their dollars, but also with their energy. If you get involved with Vote for Change now, you can help equip enough people in this country with the tools necessary to bring about the kind of change we so desperately need.

Politics in this country can no longer be the way it's been: divided, isolated and cynical. We know in our hearts it can be so much better. We've already come this far, and this nation-wide voter registration and mobilization drive is the next step. Be a part of Vote for Change, bring move voices into the political process, and help America move toward a future filled with hope.


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May 5, 2008 at 08:24 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Election Reform & Voting, Events | Permalink


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