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    Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    NM-01: Darren White Claims Independence from Bush at Bush Fundraiser Today

    Darren White's campaign claims that Bush raised $317,000 today in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque -- money that reportedly will be split between White's campaign and the NM GOP. And now we have proof that Darren White will say anything, no matter how silly, to try and gain credibility for his candidacy in NM-01. According to a news release reporting on today's NM fundraiser for White and the GOP with George Bush:

    "White said he appreciates the President's willingness to attend the fundraiser, noting that liberal special interests are expected to invest heavily in the campaign of his likely Democrat opponent, who is constantly referred to as the 'darling of the Left."

    White, the Republican Bernalillo County sheriff, said he expects the Democrats to spend big on the race.

    "The Democrats are poised to nominate a candidate well outside the mainstream of this district. I fully expect the radical left-wing special interest groups to spend millions trying to elect one of their own to Congress. My campaign is about shaking up Washington with strong, independent leadership and I look forward to earning the support of the voters."

    Yeah, the kind of "strong, independent leadership" that depends on large donations from extreme right GOP bigwigs still lured by the Bush mystique, whatever that is. Oh, and the only person who keeps referring to White's opponent as a 'darling of the Left' is our infamous rumor-blogger and stealth Republican, Joe Monahan. You remember Joe. He's the guy who mocks efforts to pass ethics and campaign finance reform in the NM legislature because his "Alligators" like it just the way it is in Santa Fe and, obviously, in Washington too.

    Everyone I know refers to Martin Heinrich as a friend of ordinary, hard-working New Mexicans. Maybe because he has fought tooth and nail for things like a raise in the minimum wage while Bush devotees like Darren White fight just as hard against such measures.

    Here's what Martin Heinrich had to say about Bush's visit for White:

    Of course, the height of irony is that the Darren White, the man who is going to benefit to the tune of $300,000+ and who served as the President's 2004 Bernalillo County campaign chair, is the same man who now claims to be 'independent' from President Bush and his failed policies. Don't believe it.

    The truth is that President Bush is taking the time to come to Albuquerque to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Darren White because he knows that White is a George Bush Republican - the kind of Republican who will support endless war in Iraq, failed economic policies, big oil giveaways and roll backs to our Constitutional liberties.

    Now's the time to let Martin know we've got his back in this campaign. Please donate what you can and consider volunteering right now for Heinrich's campaign. We can't let a Bush Republican like Darren White keep the Bush agenda alive in Washington and right here in New Mexico.

    Bush Heads to AZ for McCain
    One more thing: George Bush now heads over to Arizona to campaign for another "independent" Republican -- John McCain. I guess right-wingers llike White and McCain are only ashamed to be with Bush in public. They seem entirely comfortable pushing his agenda and taking the money of his wealthy friends.

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    May 27, 2008 at 04:54 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink


    What is the deal with this website always bashing Joe Monahan? Someone jealous? Maybe its because he brings out issues about both sides of an issue and brings out strengths and weaknesses of both candidates (fair and equal coverage).

    Posted by: | May 27, 2008 7:31:02 PM

    I find this quote disturbing.

    "I fully expect the radical left-wing special interest groups to spend millions trying to elect one of their own to Congress."

    Isn't he the Sheriff for all of us? Everyone, regardless of political affiliation? Sounds pretty hostile for someone who is supposed to uphold the law and protect all citizens regardless of their political bent.

    Posted by: JaciCee | May 27, 2008 8:56:56 PM

    I find that quote disturbing too. I wonder which "radical" groups he's referring to. Does he think environmental groups like the Sierra Club are "radical"? Or is it unions like SEIU or AFSCME? I wonder which 527s that come in with the horrible negative ads on the right-wing side are NOT "radical." Most of them are fake groups covering the identities of wealthy elites who donate large sums of money to the most damaging causes.

    Darren White is a loose cannon. I predict he'll show his snarling, nasty side more than few times before this election is over.

    Posted by: | May 27, 2008 10:53:05 PM

    Monahan gives fair and equal coverage? What planet do you live on? Thank goodness someone has the nerve to call Monahan on his crap. The people who funnel him gossip are not the good guys believe me. He and Scarantino play the same "fair" game but they always get their digs in against anyone with real ethics or who challenges the status quo power blocs.

    Keep up the good work DFNM.

    Posted by: My Way | May 28, 2008 12:39:29 AM

    Monahan is also as sexist as they come. Here's his description of last night's debate:

    "Heather Wilson was like a dominatrix with a big black whip, cracking it time again across the exposed flesh of Steve Pearce and often drawing blood as the two GOP US Senate contenders faced off last night in a one hour prime time televised debate. Pearce was largely compliant, accepting his punishment, but preaching the conservative gospel that has put him in the lead for the nomination. Despite the nonstop whipping, analysts checking in here were not optimistic that the debate was enough for Wilson to turn this one around."

    Joe probably knows something about domintrixes, eh?

    Posted by: luna | May 28, 2008 12:52:38 AM

    I see that once again, US citizens were denied access to express opinions contrary to those of the wrong-headed right. As reported in the local daily, "protesters" were kept a half mile away from the site where candidate White and the idiot son were collecting cash from the well to do conservative base. I wonder if once again Sheriff White's armed deputies were involved to the same extent that lead to a lawsuit filed against Sheriff White and his force for their actions in denying citizens their rights when w came to reap a cash harvest for St. Pete's aborted run for a 7th senate term?

    Posted by: Rodney | May 28, 2008 7:57:55 AM

    I appreciate Rodney's comment regarding the Bush/White fundraiser. I was one of nine protesters who stood on the south side of the fundraiser property site and it should be noted that we were exactly at the property line of the fundraising site. We had no opportunity to show our signs to his majesty but we were as close as we have ever been. One of the Sheriff's deputy sergeants offered us water if anybody needed any.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | May 28, 2008 10:52:04 AM

    Certainly seems candidate White learned a lesson after Sheriff White got sued.

    Posted by: Rodney | May 29, 2008 7:19:22 AM

    [candidate White and the idiot son]

    The problem is telling which is which. The idiot doesn't fall too far from the tree. (White, like Bush, had to read from a prepared victory speech. What is he going to do when he actually has to think extemporaneously on the issues? Rely on his handlers?) Between the nervous smile, the odd mannerisms and the half-wit (take your pick) this guy shouldn't be too tough to knock off in November. If I'm Heinrich, I'm already scheduling the debates.

    Posted by: victory is nigh | Jun 4, 2008 8:52:05 AM

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