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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

(Updated) NM Dem Caucus: This Reeks

Refresh 2: Please likewise read my later post on this issue. Turns out the outcomes on the main two competitors were brought in from Rio Arriba County to the Party in Albuquerque before the crates left the gathering destinations, with watchers from both the Clinton and Obama crusades standing in that spot. End of story.

Refresh 1: Kate Nash reports that as of around 5:00 PM, checking of around 16,000 temporary votes hadn't yet started on the grounds that agents from all sides are arranging the standard procedures. The procedure is continuous at the REDW firm in Albuquerque. Additionally, Gov. Richardson discharged a statementabout the Caucus and the issues encompassing it.

Some genuine consideration is being offered today to the whys and hows identified with Rio Arriba County Dems holding three Caucus polling booths overnight at their homes. The authorities purportedly neglected to tally the votes and telephone the outcomes into the State Dem Party subsequent to voting finished the previous evening, as required. The votes kept down may break even with half of the votes cast in the region.

Over a day after New Mexico Caucus voting started, a reasonable, authentic record of what happened has still not been discharged or affirmed. Heath Haussamen is following up on the story today. Go read it and sob. Extract:

The New Mexico Democratic Party gathering might be polluted by three tallying stations that spent the night in the home of the Rio Arriba County party seat or the homes of other neighborhood decision authorities as opposed to being accounted for to the state party.

Those tallies still haven't been checked, yet they host been recovered by the state gathering.

A few sources disclosed to me the tallying stations spent the night at the home of Rio Arriba County Party Chair Theresa Martinez, whose state-legislator spouse, Sen. Richard Martinez, embraced Hillary Clinton. In any case, Richard Martinez revealed to Santa Fe New Mexican correspondent Kate Nash that the crates really spent the night in the homes of three surveying place administrators. He gave Nash no clarification for why the outcomes from those votes weren't accounted for to the state party the previous evening and why they were rather kept overnight in authorities' homes.

.... The polling booths were recovered from Theresa Martinez by the state party toward the beginning of today.

I concur with Heath's evaluation that "The state party needs to rapidly resolve this and advise general society how it will relieve fears that the race procedure is polluted unrecoverable." obviously there could be pure clarifications for this stuff, yet it gets harder to accept as additional time passes.

Results from an extra polling booth from Sandoval County still haven't been discharged either. The Rio Arriba and Sandoval County tallies speak to the 2% of the state's Caucus vote that is as yet unreported. In the interim, just around 200 votes isolate Obama and Clinton, and the Party is apparently during the time spent approving and checking very nearly 16,000 temporary tickets. It might be quite a while before total, official Caucus results will be discharged. Given all the perplexity and lead breaking, I expect some legitimate difficulties will be made by either of the hopefuls.

The Rio Arriba County circumstance can just serve to bring up extra issues about who settled on the choice to have just a single Caucus site in Rio Rancho, New Mexico's third biggest city with a 2006 populace of 72,000 - and why they did as such. Barack Obama was relied upon to do well in Rio Rancho, where numerous youthful, autonomous voters live. What's more, where is Gov. Richardson in this? The Party Caucus was his thought from the begin.

February 6, 2008 at 03:19 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink


Thanks for the update Barb. Someone's got to be held accountable for yesterday's disaster.

Posted by: | Feb 6, 2008 3:27:59 PM

Rio Arriba county, living up to or down to its reputation for corrupt politics, depending on your perspective.

Posted by: VP | Feb 6, 2008 4:49:30 PM

If you visit KOB.COM you will see a bunch of comments on the story where Brian Colon half-apologized for all of the irregularities that occurred at OUR Caucus yesterday.... how sad and embarrassing... Some are asking for Colon's resignation! Many in line at our poll(s) on the Westside echoed that sentiment.

I hope that there will be an after action review. Many voters would like to express their feelings to Party Leadership.

Posted by: Westside Voter | Feb 6, 2008 5:25:21 PM

I'm more concerned about the missing ballot boxes in Rio Arriba than I am about over crowded voting places. Martinez and his wife are not nice characters. They've been caught doing bad stuff before.

Posted by: politica | Feb 6, 2008 5:33:15 PM

Colon has proven he is not up to the job of leading the Party. He must go. Richardson's letter in the next post is a little late to the game. It's time to elect better Democrats and make sure its one person, one vote. The Republicans are the party of disenfranchisement. We are not. Period.

A grassroots movement to find primary challengers for every Democrat who will not agree to one person, one vote and amending the insane law for getting your name on the ballot must be a priority.

Posted by: | Feb 6, 2008 7:21:38 PM

Panjandrum doesn't know what they're talking about.

Many people have been working for years to elect better Democrats and build the party. Panjandrum isn't one of them.

Posted by: JT | Feb 7, 2008 8:03:33 AM

Who will actually be able to say those aren't tampered results. In Richardson's state, it must be embarassing for him. But these primaries or caucus's should NOT be on different days all over the U.S.A. Our primaries should be ONE specific day, with the whole slate of candidates available on each ballot for ALL of us.. That would be an honest primary. Why should the few vote and let the rest of us vote on their choices. Why aren't our votes just as important as Iowa etc? Are we deficient and aren't able to make choices based on our own evaluations after hearing EACH candidate? Give all of the candidates time to campaign and let the majority of voters pick from any of them. Then we should go, after the primary has settled on the candidates, to the convention, if still necessary, and then campaign for the November election, which should be by popular vote for the President. Forget the Electoral College - we don't know these people, why should we not be able to vote as one person - one vote, and let us be the electors of the president. This wouldn't solve the problem of corruption and not counting valid votes, but it would give all the people more say in whom should be president. Maybe citizens might be made more aware of how to fight corruption, when they know their vote has to be counted, which is another reason for paper ballots, or back-up paper ballots if an electronic voting machine was used.

Posted by: delicado | Feb 7, 2008 8:43:43 PM

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