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Saturday, November 10, 2007

(Updated With Internal Poll, AP Story) Udall & Wiviott: Latest on U.S. Senate Race in New Mexico

UPDATE: The Associated Press is that Tom Nagle, Tom Udall's Chief of Staff, Tom Nagle, has stated,"He's definitely running." Nagle also said Udall will formally announce his decision in New Mexico during Congress's Thanksgiving recess. In addition, DraftUdall and SwingStateProject have released an internal poll conducted for Udall by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin and Associates during the period October 23-27, 2007 that again shows strong numbers for Udall:

Even more telling in terms of pretty much destroying Marty Chavez's claim that Udall wouldn't do well in the general election because he's "too far to the left," Udall significantly beats Marty's numbers with self-described "moderate" voters in the general:

In addition, Udall is very strong with Dem primary voters, including Hispanics and Bernalillo County residents: "Udall is the clear preference among likely Democratic primary voters for the nomination. In a three-way contest with Chávez and Developer Don Wiviott, Udall also reaches 50 percent support and holds a 20-point lead over Chávez. Udall holds strong leads among Hispanic and self-described moderate and conservative Democratic primary voters, as well as those who live in Bernalillo County, as shown below."


The polling firm also reports low favorables and high unfavorables for Chavez and just the opposite for Udall.

Original Post:

DwiviottI have it on very good authority that Rep. Tom Udall is announcing to his long-time supporters tonight that he will, indeed, enter the U.S. Senate race. And that Don Wiviott (left), the first Dem brave enough to run for Senate back when Domenici was still saying he would run for re-election in 2008, intends to withdraw his candidacy if Udall makes an official public announcement of his entry. I've also learned that Don intends to seriously explore running for Congress in NM-03 if he does end up withdrawing from the Senate race. I hope he does. He's one of the good guys who decided to run for office for all the right reasons.

November 10, 2007 at 06:39 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Goodbye Marty.

Posted by: JJ | Nov 10, 2007 8:04:26 PM

Wiviott does seem like a good guy. Maybe Tom Udall can take over his Albuquerque campaign office on Indian School near Washington.

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Nov 10, 2007 9:31:22 PM

I have been supporting Don Wiviott because of his beliefs and his campaign manner. I feel that he is an extremely good candidate. I believe that Tom Udall will do better in the Senate race. I am glad that he is considering running for CD-3. We really need a good strong replacement for Congressman Udall and Don would be great.

Good luck Don!

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 10, 2007 10:24:36 PM

Interesting that they didn't release the questions asked on the polling? I am always very weary of Internal Polls. There are a lot of polls floating around there, those same polls that showed Madrid winning in 06. That's why they campaign. Too early to have a clear winner in this race.

Posted by: john | Nov 11, 2007 11:32:27 AM

True, but the results are similar to a couple of recent polls by Survey USA polls. Marty Chavez is always about even with Wilson and losing to Pearce and Udall is always 10-15 points ahead of Wilson and Pearce. Common sense also tells me that Udall has much more name recognition across the state than Chavez and is very much more popular with voters. Chavez has angered too many people with his bullying tactics.

Posted by: Old Dem | Nov 11, 2007 11:42:03 AM

What now that Tom is in the race it will be the native New Mexicans vs. The Non-Native New Mexicans. Udall cant beat Steve Pearce. It is going to take a Democrat like Marty Chavez to win this election. But hey the poll posted and released by both campaigns are internal, it doesnt mean anyone is a clear front runner this election is going to be decided by New Mexicans not the politically powerful or elite of either progressive or non progressive democrats.

Posted by: Stop Attacking Hispanic Candidates | Nov 12, 2007 1:15:02 PM

I posted this on another thread and I'll repeat it here for the comment above:

i have been watching you rag on about this website and participants on this website that somehow we are anti hispanic, that we have not supported hispanic candidates. In my opinion nothing could be farther from the truth.

Let me list several off right now:
Javier Benavidez with a glowing post of his acheivements written two days ago. Geno Zamora running for AG last time, Stephanie Gonzales, many dfnm members supported Jeff Armijo, and Robert Aragon running for County chair. Eric Griego, Debbie O'Malley, Rey Garduno, Diana Archuleta, Patricia Madrid many of us worked our tales off for. Bill Richardson when he ran for gov, and within his prez run. Jim Baca for land commissioner. Hector Balderaz when he was the candidate for state auditor after armijo left the race. Brian Colon for state party chair. Richard Romero is another.

It is the mayor who gets his major support on the city council by republican anglos.

I hope you reconcider your attacks on the website and the individuals who write on it. We are not anti-hispanic, what we believe in are the traditional values of the democratic party.

Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 12, 2007 1:46:04 PM

There is such a hatred for Chavez down south/east that people will come out just to vote against him. I know, i live here, and i have seen it before. As a Hispanic, I will vote for the better man, UDALL. Udall is a more likeable person and he has alot more experiance then Chavez. Udall will make us proud to be Democrats, I am not so sure about Chavez. If the only asset is, that Chavez is Hispanic, well thats no reason to vote for him.
BTW, the former govs who are supporting him, they are hated even worse that Chavez down here.

Posted by: georgep | Nov 12, 2007 4:25:00 PM

Mary Ellen:

It is not my intent to attack anyone on this website. It is my intent to give a different perspective of what is the reality of the actions of individuals on this blog and those who consider themselves to be "progressive". I realize that some of you have supported your Hispanic candidates, but do these individuals truly represent the same values that you as an organization say that you represent.
It has been my experience that in most cases some of these Hispanic candidates have placated to your platform and many have turned their backs on you when your not in earshot. Let’s look at your list of achievements shall we:

Javier Benavidez: So he posts to this site and that is cause to hold him up as one of yours? He was never a progressive vote on the Santa Fe County Commission and was often seen as the voice of the “Traditional” political machines of Santa Fe. Since many in your organization have used the term “patron” as a negative connotation, you would be surprised that he is considered a part of that old political system.

Geno Zamora: What has he done that is so progressive?

Stephanie Gonzales: There have been posts on this site blasting her and Rebecca Vigil Giron.

Jeff Armijo: We won’t even go there!

Robert Aragon: Wait he was supported by the majority of this organization. Wow I need to look at those county ballots again!

Eric Griego: What did he do that was so progressive? He left his city council city to become the voice of change, when he had an impoverished community to lead and he choose not to because he wanted to be Mayor not a conduit for change! And you can check with the blue haired ladies in Barelas to verify that one!

Debbie O’Malley: Have given her props as being a true progressive!

Ray Garduno: It remains to be seen.

DeAnna Archuleta: Have given her props too!

Patricia Madrid: Now here is someone who was never seen as a progressive, but was forced into that mold by many, when she stopped running as PATRICIA and Patsy! That is when it all went to hell for her.

Bill Richardson: Progressive????? Sheesh don’t let the rest of the nation hear you call him that!

Jim Baca: Who I personally think is the godfather of Hispanic Progressives in New Mexico.

Hector Balderas: Okay how come he was never one of the progressive votes in the State Legislature? Oh that is right he represents Wagon Mound and Mora.

Brian Colon: Okay so he got free cheese, I guess that makes him Progressive too!

As far as representing the “traditional” democratic party. So I guess that you are a fan of LBJ and Truman. LBJ is the one who coined the term progressive but also supported the war in Vietnam, heck does anyone remember the Chicago convention. Phew, I guess that being progressive is just too hard for me, so I’ll just be a New Mexican Democrat!

Posted by: Stop Attacking Hispanic Candidates | Nov 12, 2007 4:27:58 PM

Ha, this person is the one attacking Hispanic candidates yet they are accusing others of doing so.

Posted by: I Vote | Nov 12, 2007 9:11:30 PM

SAHC: to be clear, it looks like you are confusing our local Javier Benavidez with Javier Gonzales, the former County Commissioner from Santa Fe.

Posted by: | Nov 23, 2007 5:08:19 PM

Also, it looks to me like you're confusing our local Javier Benavidez with Javier Gonzalez, the former County Commissioner in Santa Fe.

Posted by: I Vote | Nov 26, 2007 6:13:13 PM

The term progressive was coined in the late 1800s as a matter of fact, not by LBJ. Your history (and views on Hispanic politicos) are wrong in many ways. You need to read up on things.

Posted by: roadrunner | Nov 26, 2007 6:52:19 PM

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